A Workaround

It was Fido again who was responsible for getting my day off to a flying start as he needed to wee at around 03:30. I retired to my pit expecting him to stay out for a long time but he was soon back bashing on the gate. I let him in and went back to sleep. Perhaps I should install a Fido flap… Or just make sure he has a wee at bedtime.

It was dark and a little cloudy as we crossed the field to go for our walk. There was a yellow VW camper with the internal lights on parked just opposite the entrance. We continued. There were some cars in the beach car park and some tents at the southern end of the Big Beach. A conveniently-located light gave the position away. We walked up and down the east side as it appeared the tent(s) were in the middle of the fairway.

We walked to Plakaki and back mostly together for some reason although I could see Skinny’s bright, green, flashing light a long way ahead near the shoreline. He’s a good chap so I let him do pretty much as he likes. Sasha and Isabella are the opposite as they’re likely to have their heads in the rubbish bins turfing it onto the beach: worse still, knocking the bins over then dragging out the contents to scatter in their search for food, as if their lives depended on it.

A man was sitting in the yellow VW camper as I walked past and he didn’t seem to notice his van being eyed-up by passing dogs, and his external possessions examined and sniffed.

We bumped into Iera once again as we arrived back at The Promontory. She joined us as we walked up and back. The females indulged in their favourite game of running madly in circles chasing each other. Meanwhile, the boys looked on or went about their business. Iera chose to stay on the beach when walked back across the field.

With the boys safely inside I set off with the girls collecting up Iera on the way. They didn’t get up to much as they’d already raced around ending up in the sea. Just Isabella, Sasha and I crossed the rocks and sat for a little while enjoying the salty, breeze and the view. The girls simply wait until I’m ready to move on or lie down and wait. They might come to pester me a little if they think I’m taking too long.

I set off for the mountain after training my brain. Some careless delivery driver. with a poorly loaded vehicle, has allowed ballast or chippings to spill out of their truck onto the road on some of the steeper sections of the mountain. The pieces are sizeable so are a nuisance going up and dangerous coming down – mostly for two-wheeled road-users. It will probably be a while before there’s a sufficiently strong rain storm to wash it all away although there are tracks where vehicles have pushed the rocks to the side.

My only stop was at the bakers where I waited for the assistant to reorganise some of the stock. I was the only one in the shop but other customers were waiting in line for beverages and snacks at the external kiosk. I hand over my bag for reuse and have no need to ask as most of the staff know what I want. Mr Predictable.

I stopped at Alonaki for a swim watching the clouds come over, some obscuring the sun and transforming the beach scene with the help of the stiffening breeze. Ripples appeared on the surface of the water but no waves were present. I sat in the sunshine to dry off and admire the scenery after my swim. The beach was gradually attracting more customers.

The dogs were waiting with Luis the most vocal. I released them then gave them some food before making tea and sitting down for a little rest. I still has the camera problem to solve so eventually worked on that. I discovered an app which is in the Apple and Google store which works with the cameras. It looks a very serious app with plenty of features but I just want it to show a couple of cameras until the new NVR arrives. I discovered that the Unifi software, unlike other devices, does not allow more than one internal port for the same purpose. The cameras use port 37777 but they also use 544 and 80. However, you can only use each port once. Fortunately, Georgia can probably manage with three cameras so the three ports should do it. Not really ‘problem solved’, more like ‘worked around’.

Another important activity today was to extend the flexible plastic pipe to the Nature’s Head loo. Now that it’s been regularly used for a while, and the weather is warm, the composting process is well underway. Up until now, the vent pipe has just dangled towards the underside of the decking which has been fine so long as there is some movement in the air. Today was very still so an aroma was lingering and something needed to be done. I just happened to have a spare length of plastic waste pipe which fits nicely onto the flexible pipe supplied with the facility. The extra pipe now doubles the length of the vent pipe and takes it up above the roof of the van. The ideal would be for the pipe to go above the upper metal roof which it will once the facility finds its permanent location. Like a chimney, a longer vent pipe will cause a good current of air which will aid the composting process removing any unpleasant odours harmlessly away.

Now that the camping’s poo tank has a little house on top of the personhole, I’m going to suggest a similar arrangement there. For two reasons in particular: remove unpleasant smells which can creep out from under the door of the spitaki (little house) and get rid of any possible buildup of methane which might cause a fire or even explosion. Neither event is particularly desirable in a busy camping during the summer rush.

An email from Google alerted me to a customer review which was more like a thesis, in length, at least. Fortunately, it was a very positive and well-balanced review from a couple who undoubtedly had a very pleasant stay. It’s a good thing, as there have been several less than complimentary but perhaps not unjustified reviews lately. I left a suitably grateful but somewhat shorter reply although our paths never crossed as far as I’m aware.

Being welded to my computer, the day became rather sedentary as I’d not been out after returning from my swim. The only other excursion was to the kitchen for some food. Most of the staff were enjoying a rest as the restaurant was not very busy at that moment.

The dusk is gathering, the dogs sleeping and even the last cicada has decided that enough is enough. The end of another day bringing us ever so slowly towards the autumn.

Warm and sunny with a few clouds earlier. The forecast predicts wind from Monday night through to Wednesday night. That should sort the men from the boys although I anticipate a bit of an exodus tomorrow afternoon…


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