A Blanket!

The night was blustery and required a blanket later on as the wind made it appear quite cool. It was still blustery when I got up so there was no hanging around on the walk. Not so windy as the day before so we crossed the rocks and followed our usual route.

The walk to Plakaki was wind-assisted as it didn’t seem to be able to make its mind up as to where it was coming from or going to. There was no sign of Iera so I presume she must have been reacquired by her owner/keeper. I imagine it won’t be long before she goes AWOL again.

We passed back over the Promontory in less windy conditions so I decided I would ride into Paleochora before taking the ladies for their walk. I dumped all of the dogs off and got on my bike.

There was still quite strong wind but it was reasonably consistent and the gusts were not too wild so I detoured up the mountain and over Panorama on my usual parcours stopping first at the bakers and then at Petrakis. I was soon on my way back to the camping to the delight of the dogs. That delight was short-lived as I then took the ladies out for thirty-minutes to make up for earlier.

I spent a while training my brain and then fed the dogs before making some tea. The remainder of the morning consisted of preparing the DDs and catching up with some overdue WordPress reconfiguration. The last WP update appears to have disconnected the WP.com accounts which is why the blog post emails were no longer sending. I have since reconfigured the WP accounts and made other adjustments.

I went to the office to pick up invoices but didn’t take my key and Maria wasn’t there. I amused myself by playing with websites in the afternoon until it was time to process the DDs and collect some food from the kitchen.

There were a couple of support calls from InterSport as one of their routers appears to be offline due to a change of connection details during a service transfer. Remotely reconfiguring an offline Internet router is difficult so it would have been much nicer had changes been done before the transfer took place.

Richard T from Inter Sport called to tell me his second-hand six-year-old laptop wasn’t working and asked if there was anything I could do. I suggested he might like to get a new one! Six years for any laptop is doing well and this one is for business so lugged around everywhere.

The wind has blustered for much of the day and felt stronger as the afternoon went by. I’m hoping it will calm down tonight as it would be good not to be buffeted all night again.

My neighbour with the dog is still present and the other group slightly further away, the other side of him appears also to still be here. I had a little protest to Maria yesterday. She tried to fob me off with some feeble excuse.

The wind has reduced the number of happy campers on site. Georgia appears to be away for a few days so the mice are playing and the atmosphere is relaxed.

Maria taking time out from shuffling her papers.
Cooler and windy but plenty of sun, fortunately. The outlook seems less temperamental for the next few days


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