Second Weekend

It was cooler so I adjourned inside and actually watched something on my big screen for the first time in ages. I chose Perry Mason who managed to solve a complicated case and exonerate his more-than-stupid client.

A certain amount of pussy activity sparked doggy reaction from within the van during the night so I needed to shut Luis up on a number of occasions. He just can’t help himself. I went out to collect my watch from the charger and Oskar joined me however he kept quiet until it was time to get up.

It was just so still during the evening and night that the mosquitoes were having a field day. As soon as I escaped from under my net, they were queuing up to take a piece of me. They followed me up The Promontory until I removed my T-shirt to use it as a swat it was that warm.

The moon was definitely fuller than the day before so I might have got that wrong yesterday. I noticed that my watch appeared to be giving very little credit for my walking effort and discovered that my Exercise Circle, which is usually complete before reaching Plakaki finally completed as I came back to the van after the second walk. Furthermore, the entire ninety-minutes of walking scored me around 200kJ rather than the 800kJ+ I’d expect. I put the watch on the charger having given it a reboot then took it out again when I took the girls.

We met the inmates of the camper in the beach car park however those in the vans and caravan along the road were still snoring. We completed our walk in good time and walked back to the van as it started to warm up.

I exercised my brain, picked up about 100kg of poo which I surreptitiously distributed around the adjacent filed then went on my way up the mountain, around Paleochora and to Petrakis for some DD bits. I wan’t there long, Poppy was on the checkout so I was soon on my way back and on the beach at Alonaki for a swim to the buoys and back in the flat-calm water. After, I lazed in the sun whilst a man and woman quickly and efficiently set up their chairs and umbrellas close by. The man had a very quick splash in the sea and the woman picked up her phone for a family phone call. At that point, I lost the will to live so left.

Back at the factory, I fed the dogs and immediately got on with the DDs so that I could sit down with a cup of tea. Having lost around 600kJ due to technical problems, I’d made up quite a bit so needed a rest as compensation. I guessed there was a problem when I found I’d not completed my Move Circle the day before even though I did the same as I did today. The reboot after the update should have sorted everything but another did the trick. I think IOS 16 is now publicly available even though the new Apple Watch isn’t on sale for a few more days.

Indeed, I watched most of the official Apple Product Promotion video and know all about how I can predict my Minstrel Cycle and check ovulation. Furthermore, there is a new Apple Watch for those who participate in Extreme Sports. It uses virtually the same software however the case and finish are capable of surviving scuba diving and replacing a dive computer as well as temperatures below zero. It can handle mountaineering, trail-running, surfing amongst others. It has funky new GPS for better positioning accuracy as well as an enhanced compass and red, nighttime display. It’s not cheap but then it’s a premium product made with premium materials and can replace a dive computer costing more than £1,000. Funky though it is, at something like $800 or £849 in UK, I shall not be at the head of the queue.

I didn’t really do a lot for the remainder of the day so was somewhat more than a little inert. Nevertheless, due to my earlier effort, I’ve managed to close all of my circles unlike yesterday. I managed to repair the LED lights which illuminate the area under the awning. The rather flimsy wire between the battery/controller box and the light string failed a while ago but I didn’t get around to fixing it. This light string has been exceptionally good value as it’s lasted for years considering the bashing it gets during the winter when it’s windy as then it’s on the inside of the awning tent. Anyway, it’s working now in all its glory. The lights in the plastic tube last much longer especially close to the sea.

Later, I went down for food and to check out the sous-vide heater in the kitchen which seems to have developed a mind of its own on occasions. Manos says he is able to compensate for its idiosyncrasies. Petra handed me loads of gemista with potatoes which I took back to heat up whilst processing the DDs.

We are now all replete, most of the doggies are inside due to a bit of a barking event which I suspect was sparked by Bona lurking at the gate on her way to collect or hang up laundry. Later, a couple of the boys came by to visit with Sasha.

Considering it’s the second weekend of September, the camping is quiet although plenty of accommodation is occupied, some for only one night though. The kids will probably go back to school in the next few days so we’re entering the period when Maria could possibly be whisked away to be a teacher or not as the case may be.

Warm and sunny with virtually no wind to speak of. The weather looks stable for at least the next few days.


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