The Cat’s Away…

I received a call from Georgia via Maria asking me to go to the bar to make it so that Georgia could see the cameras remotely on her phone. As it was Sunday evening and short notice, I sort of forgot all about it and would do something in the morning. As it turned out, Georgia didn’t wait so took the camera from the office and put it in the bar. A bit of a giveaway really as now they know she can’t see any of the cameras at the bar. I have since found a solution that works…

There were no major disturbances in the night however I had to get up for other purposes. It was quite warm at times although not hot enough to require the fan.

We made a reasonably quiet and civilised departure over a wonderfully moonlit field towards an even more wonderfully moonlit sea and Promontory. The dogs were in the bin but I arrived soon after so managed to wrestle the take-out boxes from them before the contents were spread over the beach. I placed them into one of the large rubbish containers inaccessible to all dogs.

The torch was superfluous for much of the walk but I’ve been wearing my barefoot shoes every day recently so it pays to be able to avoid fixed rocks or other hazards upon which one might stub ones toes.

The German couple in the camper with the small dog are still near to the entrance to the Promontory so I steered the dogs away so as not to wake them. The beach was lit by the moon so I could keep track of the dogs and not fall over obstacles too. I notice it’s getting to be darker a lot later although it’s still light when we get back to the van around seven.

I went straight out with the girls. Got barked at by the small dog from the camper however Isabella and Sasha took no notice at all. We walked up the Big Beach, over the rocks and back.

I had a pause before going out on my bike up the mountain and over Panorama. The PAWS puppies had other visitors so I carried on so that I could get back to the camping to find a solution to Georgia’s camera dilemma.

I fed dogs, made tea and sat down to find a camera solution which I managed quite quickly. I then discovered that Georgia’s phone was nowhere on the network indicating that she must have gone home on Sunday evening. Ha! At least the mice can play whilst the cat’s away.

There was less productivity than yesterday as it was warm and sunny so any pretence of doing something constructive melted away. I managed to keep myself amused but may also have lost concentration at some point.

I went down to the kitchen for some food to find a similar amount of inactivity. I was told there were hardly any customers requiring food and the beach was sparsely populated. I noticed primary children going back to school today which will have something to do with it. I came away with lots of green beans and potatoes supported by several slices of watermelon. Other than Petra who was serving me, the other kitchen staff were outside around the table.

Isabella is lying full-length in front of the fan having eaten her supper. The others are scattered around in a similar state although Luis has the energy to bark at Tony as he fires up the Ferrari to empty the bins and collect the rubbish.

There was only one booked arrival today and none tomorrow although there appear to be some arrivals on Friday for the weekend or perhaps longer.

I may adjourn inside to finish off the police drama from the other day and spare myself from the mosquitoes which are arriving in droves.

There was a decent breeze to keep the mosquitoes away this morning however the remainder of the day has been calm, warm and sunny.


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