Heidi meets Sasha and Isabella

I managed to mislay Isabella’s collar having left it hung over the top of the fence, we were later out than we should have been as I looked for it. Once out of the gate, the only thing between us and the Promontory was a minivan with a body sprawled in the back. I suspect the arrival of the dogs caused dismay as I detected some movement. Oh dear, what a shame!

We continued to the end of the Promontory and back then on to Plakaki and back with no delays. We made it to the camping in good time so I was able to get the girls out moments after seven. Isabella was with me until she picked up Ursula’s scent and was then gone. It’s a few months since they last met but Ursula was one of the first people Isabella met when she first adopted me.

Heidi, Sasha and Isabella got on well enough although Heidi may have felt a little outnumbered at the start. The two of them are much larger as well as much younger than her so have a different agenda. We enjoyed a leisurely wander to the rocks and back so were in the camping before eight. Sasha decided to follow Ursula back so I called her to me. But then I failed to keep an eye on her so she doubled back to be found later at the bar. She followed me back to Isabella who was waiting for her on the decking looking a little forlorn.

I went up the mountain and around Paleochora stopping only at he bakery for two loaves of bread. I rode back under a cloudy and rather grey sky approaching from the west.

I delivered the bread and had a cup of tea whilst talking to Tina, Tony’s sister, who is over on Crete to work for a few days. We last communicated when Sophie was here working with her.

I went back to deal with the dogs but stopped to talk to an Austrian who might be interested in coming back during the winter. He says he has a collection of British cars and rebuilds and refurbishes Land Rovers. He lives near Linz.

I fed the dogs and fell into a gentle decline as the day became brighter and warmer. I had nothing particular in mind to do and spent a while exercising my brain which had missed out for a couple of days. I completed a few other tasks of which one was to sort out a WiFi extension to make up for the missing AP at the bar. It’s only a temporary arrangement with a small device at the back of Ξ3 so Ursula should have plenty of signal inside their cabin. I made sure that the device would not interfere with the network in any way.

I had a chat with Ursula who’d just returned from Anydroi where they’d lunched with Tina who’d recently departed back to Chania. Luis, accompanied by Isabella were being annoying so I ended up heading back to shut them up. I stopped to apologise to Erica struggling to read her book in peace. I would have been there sooner however there was loudish music from the bar which almost drowned out the noise from the dogs. We chatted a little while then I went to get some food from the kitchen. Today, Manos served me as Petra was at the bar.

There is a light wind now but more is forecast for early next week.

Warm and sunny after a cool start


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