Hat On, Door and Roof Closed

I was wearing a light fleece when I went to bed so it was ready for the morning. I don’t remember how long it is since I’ve worn anything other than a T-shirt or polo shirt. There was a gentle northerly wind too.

We all completed all of the walk together as Luis was with me almost the whole time as I had him on the lead. I can report there are certain terrain types he prefers to others. I guessed we’d make better progress on the road so we went both ways on the track passing three or four vans or motorhomes on the way. He reluctantly made it to Plakaki and back but started to dig in his heels when we headed up the Promontory once more. I persuaded him otherwise although his reluctance remained.

There were clouds from the west, as predicted, together with a forecast of rain later. The temperature always goes through the floor when it rains which is unsurprising. We met Heidi and Ursula so all trekked back up towards the end of the Promontory once more. This time Luis was free to roam and had much more enthusiasm. There was humidity in the wind so we left Heidi and Ursula at the end and set off back to the camping. Only Oskar lurked for a while outside in the field.

I took my bike, against the wind, towards Paleochora via the mountain. It was blowing quite hard, I was wearing my hat and I used considerable battery assistance. I stopped only at the bakery to pick up a round loaf and was on my way. Maria wasn’t in the office so I went back to the dogs, covered my bike then remembered the loaf in the pannier so partially uncovered it to get the loaf. I knew it would rain later.

I fed the dogs, made some tea and parked myself to train my brain. I’ve missed a few days recently so did a couple of workouts. Yes, I know that five minutes every day is better than ten minutes every two days.

It became cloudier and less inviting as the morning passed. There was a little rain. I sorted through some of the clutter on the decking as I feel more inclined to perform such activities when it’s cooler. I spent a considerable part of the day sorting and disposing of stuff.

I went down to the kitchen and was given a huge amount of Aginares which I heated in the pot. I readied the rice for the dogs as by now the rain was more determined so it seemed a good idea to get the eating bit out of the way.

Janne brought the cat food we bought last night and we put it in the storeroom. I ate my food then fed the dogs. The rain was persistent as I walked round to spend ten minutes with Janne as he was still having problems with his laptop. I uninstalled his security software to see if it was the root of the problem. I drank tea then walked back accompanied by Hop-along who I fed together with Moustache.

The girls were outside so quite happy to come inside with me although Sasha soon changed her mind and went outside to sit in the chair. I’d previously cleaned the thick layer of black dust from the saloon roof window and closed it. I decided it would be a good idea to close the van door too. In September!!??

Cool and cloudy with some wind earlier leading to a showery and wet afternoon and evening. Tomorrow is forecast to be sunny and warm


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