A cool and dark morning with plenty of stars. The moon now gets up too late to see but will return, renewed before long. There was a car parked under a tree and we eventually found a small tent hidden on the Promontory. Several more leisure vehicles were along the top of the beach as it’s that time of the year. Previously, vans used to congregate in the car park.

The first walk was briefer than usual, probably because I wanted to keep going. We managed to lose Oskar on the way back and Luis was in the camping waiting for Heidi and Ursula who we met on the second walk. I brought the thrower and two balls. Quite quickly, Isabella picked up Ursula’s scent so was gone in no time, Sasha hot on her heels. A little while later, Sasha returned so was able to enjoy some ball-throwing without having to play second fiddle to Isabella.

The pair of them raced around together after the ball although we seem to have come back with only one. It will be there tomorrow or next week so is likely to be found sooner or later.

I went back with four dogs having set out with two. Luis was with Heidi and Ursula and Oskar appeared as I took Isabella and Sasha over the rocks once more. I managed to get all of them back into the gate almost together.

My bike and I went up the mountain and then in search of the place where the invoices have to be deposited. Following Maria’s instructions didn’t seem to be working despite having walked the roads looking for the place. It’s always very easy once you know where something is however conveying that information to someone else with the right amount of detail is another matter. As you probably guessed, I didn’t find it. But I did post the cards and buy some bread.

It was a pleasant day as I rode back to the camping as the sun was shining and it was warming up. My hat and fleece were in my bike bag and I forgot to bring my skid lid.

I sat for a while then fed the dogs, made some tea and got on with producing a home page for LBS. Including various distractions, much of the remainder of the day was taken up.

I joined Tony and Ursula for a chat as I went to pick up food for myself then went back to feed the dogs and reheat my fakes and potatoes. They had been for a meal at Houmas and Janne and Erica went to Gialiskari and back to To Skoleo for a meal.

I’m told the vets will be in town on 15/16 October so Sasha will be a contender as well as some of the male cats if I’m able to catch them.

It seemed chilly early on but warmed up once the sun was up.


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