
My anti-mosquito device was on ’hard suck’ when I went to bed in the hope that the insect population might be reduced. There had been a lot of buzzing around during the evening. I checked the outside of the mosquito tent when I woke up and there seemed to be fewer than on previous occasions. It was only when I emptied the trap later I could see about a dozen corpses.

Our walk was under a full moon which is now much higher in the sky. I didn’t need to use my torch much at all but then I know my way around fairly well. Eleanor joined us as we were walking back from Plakaki. We were gazing at the moon as we walked along, at the silver patterns reflected on the sea. Until Eleanor fell over a rock and landed in a heap on the ground!

We took the boys back and came out again with three girls as Iera was standing at the compound gate as we left. She remained on the Promontory when we came back. She was probably tired out by Sasha and Isabella racing around after the ball so much.

I rode off via the mountain for a quick shop in Anatoli and then Petrakis. One of the camping customers, who I’ve seen running, asked me to bring back some small cucumbers. Carrying stuff and running is not so easy.

I made up the DDs for later once the doggies were fed then drank some tea and took stock of the day. My only real contribution was to input some of the invoices Maria had sent to me as photos. She likes me to go into the office in the mornings so it would seem that sending images of the invoices is a little contrary to her plan. As it turned out, a couple were illegible so I need to look at the originals anyway.

I processed the DDs having put Fido, Oskar and Luis in the van for barking after the arrival of my neighbour and his dog. I think the neighbour went off again as we were serenaded by the dog for a while. He enjoys a bit of a howl and a whine now-and-again.

Following a coolish and slightly windy start, the day remained warm and sunny.


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