Sasha and Maya go to Kalamos

I lingered in my pit in the hope it might rain to give me an excuse not to get up to walk the dogs. Sadly, the rain came only once we were out. It was a gentle drizzle enough to make one wet but not enough to soak through the clothing.

Even Luis kept with us albeit at a Luis-sort of pace: he was making an effort so should get a silver star at least. We completed our walk with only Obi missing. He joined Sasha, Isabella and I as we crossed the field for the second walk. He decided to join us and remained with us until I put him in with the others at the end.

There was more rain just after we got back so I used the time to make tea, exercise my brain and consider my next move. The sun came out, the wind decreased and the rain stopped so I jumped on my bike for a quick dash into Paleochora for bread and some DDs as well as some weeds for Bona. Having forgotten them the day before I knew she wouldn’t last the day without. With great speed, I cycled back as 11:15 was approaching fast.

Antonis arrived in his van. We admired some of the non-standard bodywork changes resulting with a early-morning encounter with the stump of a power pole which was hidden from view. I left Sasha with Antonis whilst I fed the others as I didn’t feel she’d survive me feeding all of them but not her. We bundled her into the back of the van after Antonis put down a layer of cardboard he’d thoughtfully brought along. We went round to pick up Maya who was inordinately pleased to see me which was a real bonus. We managed to put her into the back of the van without either making a run for it and set off for Kalamos.

It was now raining harder so Antonis took the van up the slope. We had only one lead as well so needed to be away from the main road in case of error. We were quickly told of a forty-five minuted delay which was expected as we’d managed to arrive on time. Antonis left as he had things to do including clearing the puke from the back of his van! Not very nice!

I sat outside with both dogs until the rain become more intense then took both inside to sit on a chair under a leak in the roof. There were two others with their dogs and one was before me. I decided Maya should get the first premed as she is the more bouncy. The vet’s assistant came and jabbed her so we watched as she slowly went into standby having produced a nice puddle of bile on the floor beforehand. Bona had heeded my instructions to feed her only the night before.

Maya was taken away to be done and I mentioned the small hernia too. Sasha was the next to go after her premed but no vomiting so that bit of floor didn’t get cleaned! I chatted with the young woman who was waiting for her little dog to come back. It transpired that she lives in Grammeno just up the road from the camping. The garden has sunflowers and soon some grass if this attempt comes to fruition. Her husband owns the building opposite the camping apparently.

The woman and her floppy dog left, I took Sasha into the Operating Room for preparation and hung onto her whilst she had a cannula installed after shaving her leg. She was very good, made no fuss and was soon in sleep mode so I prepared to leave. Meanwhile, the vet was finishing off Maya so I was able to see her deal with the hernia and repair it. I waited until I was called to take Maya once she came around. She wanted to stay with Sasha so we waited until Maya was a little more stable. Soon after, Antonis arrived with a clean van to pick us up. Sasha, although still wobbly on her pins, was awake but drowsy so easily bundled into the van with her ’sibling’. Antonis drove the two dogs back to Grammeno as Sigi felt it better to monitor both until the following day.

By this time, there was little left of the day so I used the time to put on the doggy rice and defrost the fassolakia frozen from back in the summer.

The day gradually degenerated into more rain with a little wind on the side. The younger females sat by me as I wrote my blog inside the van since the weather was inclement. They were fed, I fed myself, watched the box a little and reactivated the switch in the Customer Kitchen so as speed up the data connection. I’d already restarted the router to no avail. The battery on the UPS had reached its time.

Come bedtime, Sasha chose the chair outside and Mayer stayed inside with Isabella and the others. Around three, Luis asked to go out but was soon back. I had to convince Maya it wasn’t getting up time and Sasha to leave as she’d come in with Luis.

I wasn’t late to bed and soon fell asleep.

The warmest part of the day was early in the morning. 18mm precipitation fell, far more than forecast. A generally soggy day with little sunshine and not a lot to recommend it weather-wise.


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