Goodbye Ursula, Tony and Heidi

To Ursula’s amusement, I enjoyed an episode of ‘The Waltons’. I still consider them a harmless and peaceful way to spend the evening. Before them it was Bosch, a maverick LA police detective, so plenty of the seedier side of California life. I finished off with a congenial episode of Yes Minister.

The night passed reasonably peacefully and I don’t think my neighbour returned with his dog. In fact, I’m pretty sure he’s left. I have to be careful not to inherit his legacy as I understand there is still some outstanding account. At least I have Antonis who could put pressure on him if necessary.

We were met at the end of the first walk by Ursula and Heidi for their final morning walk on Crete. I knew they were there as Isabella and Sasha went tearing off into the distance and then returned soon after to make sure I was on my way. We walked to the end and back together and parted in the car park. Ursula had packing to attend to as they leave for Piraeus on the night ferry from Souda.

It was very windy so I decided not to ride into Paleochora for bread which was all I needed. Instead, I exercised my brain and meditated. Later, I fed the dogs and compiled the DDs for tonight.

I was feeling in a holiday mood as it’s Όχι Day so a Public Holiday in Greece. The day Metaxas told Mussolini to get knotted.

I was considering riding into Paleochora for bread when Maria contacted me as she was driving into Paleochora to run some errands and watch the celebrations. She was expecting accommodation arrivals after 14:00 but said she’d be back. So I held the fort on her behalf.

I’d arranged with Ursula and Tony to drop by on their way from Flisvos Rooms as they headed into Paleochora for their final meal on Crete. Maria wanted to say goodbye but disappeared as soon as they arrived. I’d asked her to buy me some bread whilst she was in Paleochora, as well as sent her a reminder message, but she’d forgotten. She immediately jumped into her car and drove to Kountoura to Anatoli. It seemed to take her forever but she finally arrived with some brown bread as requested. We said our goodbyes and Ursula, Heidi and Tony left for their Paleochora meal.

I came back to process the DDs and reheat the other half of what I ate yesterday. The wind is still blowing hard so I’ll not be sitting out here much longer.

Windy is the theme of the day: tomorrow will also be windy but Sunday calm again hopefully.

Happy Birthday to: Charlie, Oskar, Heidi, Millie, Minnie, Benny (aka Malloy) and another whose name I forget. You are all seven today!

Puppies seven today!


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