On The Level…

A quiet night where only Obi and Iera remained outside. We were out of the gate just before five. There were some clouds so the moon and stars were doing their best. I’d checked the forecast which assured me there would be no precipitation until the evening.

The Austrians have upped stakes and departed as the vehicle count was zero. All of the umbrella posts at Azzuro have been removed by the bulldozer as evidenced by the track marks on Azzuro Beach. Another season done and dusted as now there are no vestiges anywhere. Only the boardwalk from by the bar which is now too heavy to move as it’s rained so will weigh a tonne.

I returned the boys and took out the three girls but without the ball seeing as Isabella abandoned it yesterday. It was very pleasant but no visible sunrise as there were clouds to the east. We were back at a sensible time so I extracted Obi to add meaning to Jorma’s morning walk. He came to collect Obi shortly after.

The morning was looking dry so it seemed sensible to attempt to level the van. Jorma kindly came so we could struggle between us. He brought with him a 3 tonne trolley jack which he uses on his van. With Kirsti overseeing the proceedings and providing translation services as required we eventually manage to stop the rear of the van from leaning on the decking. It was not an easy task but between the two of us, we managed to move the van over and move the concrete blocks relocating them parallel with the front support. We were interrupted by a customer wishing to put a load in the machine and a phone call. We were at it for over three hours. Hopefully, the van should now survive a minor earthquake and not wobble about when the wind blows or anyone steps onto the decking from the van. It’s now a little close at the front but give it time to settle and we’ll take a view.

I took out the wash and then went into Paleochora to order gas for Kirsti as their bottle ran out last night. They plan to fill their bottles from the larger one as their gas man didn’t materialise during their last trip to Agios Nikolaos.

I made some food for myself and organised everything for the dogs whilst Kirsti and Jorma took Isabella and Skinny for a walk around the block. I then went for a shower to wash the dust and dirt from my hair and other orifices. Nothing like crawling in the dirt under the van!

I passed Iera’s daddy as he drove into Paleochora. He was on a mission and has loads to do so said he’d collect her tomorrow evening. One more night will make no difference.

There was one arrival. A Swiss couple with two small children: one of each. Jan with the Setra was planning to leave today but didn’t show any signs of doing so. His boys now have a little female playmate so they might join forces for a little while. I printed stuff off for Toni’s brother Mandir who arrived yesterday and is staying in T1. I’m not sure what his plan is but he told me he worked in England and Wales for some while.

Warm and sunny with some rain forecast for this evening.


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