
Some dampness on the decking made me think there had been rain however it was simply a little dew running off the roof. We were off and out before five under a partially cloudy sky with about 50% of the moon remaining. Stars peered out where they could. It was very warm for the time of year. Something to do with the south wind.

The three girls came out onto The Promontory, made a racket and generally fooled around together. The southerly wind was pushing the sea towards the causeway but wet feet was the worst likely outcome. My barefoot shoes are starting to show signs of advanced wear so I’m unsure for how much longer they will survive. I should obtain some sort of replacement as it’s too warm for boots.

I went over Panorama stopping at Petrakis for food as it is DDs day and I wanted some items as well. It wasn’t too busy so I was soon on my way. I rode back along the bikeway admiring the view and the banks of fluffy, white clouds in the distance.

Once back, I fed dogs and got on with the DD’s. I didn’t even manage the washing up or a cup of tea. The Instant Pot caused the inverter to play a merry tune as the negative battery connection had worked loose from all the lifting and van moving the previous day. I felt it would be a good idea to put a sensible end on the cable more easily gripped by the connector. I decided to solder some copper pipe over the wire to give it a better grip. I amused myself with that activity for a little while but had to check-out the couple who stayed only two nights. The next interruption was the arrival of Michael who wishes to stay until February so I’ve put him next to Jorma and Kirsti opposite the kitchen, a location he chose for himself.

The power to the sockets was off again having only been reset the day before. I suspect the culprit is whatever’s plugged in further up and now unplugged. More time was spent setting up a meter and complicated by the fact that his schuko to caravan plug was defective. Tony came to help and we sorted him out.

A wailing sound from the direction of the decking alerted me to the fact Isabella had a problem. It turned out she’d managed to pierce the skin between the toes of her left rear foot with one of the small karabiners which attach the elastic from the sunblocker to the decking. She and Sasha like to fool around either side of the sunblocker so I’ve had to replace the elastics and the karabiners before. I had to cut the karabiner out as I felt it would be too painful for me to push it back through the skin. She was very brave and just let me perform my surgery without comment. She’s been very quiet all afternoon.

Other excitements included vacuuming the rug which I intend to relocate once the awning tent project is out of the way, and processing the DDs. I’ve been on the move all day and I’d hoped for a relaxing day!

Our guest was collected mid-morning. There were lots of apologies but she’s hardly a burden.

The weather is a little unstable at present with a southerly wind bringing moisture from the western Mediterranean. It will remain variable for several days. At least it’s still amazingly warm! No rain so far today


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