Lazy Sunday

Isabella, Skinny and Sasha decided they had to go out at 04:40. I retired back to my pit with the intention of getting a good start to the day and getting up just before five. I contented myself with reading the forecast and concluding it wouldn’t rain. I was at the point of getting out of bed to dress when a clap of thunder brought the three of them to the door. I let them in and we all went back to bed. Shortly after, light rain began, followed by a more earnest attempt which became quite hard at points. I set a timer and went back to sleep. It was still raining when the timer was up so I set a slightly shorter one and went back to sleep.

It was after six, the rain had stopped and it was just beginning to get light so I got up and prepared myself and the dogs for their walk. The sky was still menacing but we set off nevertheless. I’d decided not to put on their lights but was in android mode so had done it anyway. I was able to stop them flashing by the time we were at the rocks.

We walked the beach to Plakaki by which time it was properly light so he had some biscuits and returned to the Promontory for the second round.

The ladies came out again and Isabella found one of the many balls mislaid around the Promontory. I threw it a couple of times but really need the thrower as I’m not very good without it. We walked down the beach again but only as far as the river where the two of them raced off after some birds before retracing our steps and returning to the camping.

I rode into Paleochora for the sole purpose of just going there. I got slightly damp around the edges as there was the briefest of showers which, I understand, was more persistent at the camping. I’d forgotten all about it by the time I was back.

Maciej and his two friends had left for the airport however he will be back in a few days. I fed the dogs and then made some tea ready for a sit down in the sun. I was joined by a plethora of dogs who were all determined to garner my attention. Having eventually removed most of them only the girls remained and slept under or around my chair. The others were either inside or out on the decking in the sun.

The morning passed in a leisurely fashion. There are now few punters and the national predominance is now German as there are three of them. We are at that transition stage where winter transforms to spring and the clientele transforms too.

Despite rather serious predictions of rain mid-afternoon, it was mostly sunny for the majority of the day and even quite warm in the awning area which is still without the sun blocker. I busied myself with some administration as I felt it a good idea to get straight just in case there’s a sudden influx of new customers. Indeed, some will arrive on the eighth for a few days and probably stay in T5 and a motorhome.

I did a few little jobs during the afternoon, mostly tinkering and a little very light tidying. No need to overdo things!

After a showery start, the day turned out warmer than the previous and unexpectedly sunny for much of the time. A little wind got up as evening arrived. The prospect for tomorrow is another sunny day following more rain in the early hours. Hopefully, it’ll fall long before five


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