Dentist (Again)

I slept on until 04:55 despite the fidgeting nearby which should have removed me from my blissful. As I only had to put on my sandals, we were on our way quite soon although Luis seemed a little slower than usual this morning.

There was a selection of vans scattered along the beach track including still the one with the barking dog. The dog seems to have got used to things now but managed to do a woof or two when Sasha tried to help herself to Skinny’s bone. Skinny had the bone to himself until the others arrived at the Plakaki end and Sasha did her utmost to relieve him of it.

I didn’t ride into Paleochora as I was going to the dentist and felt sure there’d still be bread at the bakers later. I tried to use the time to train my brain and chill out but was called away to open the reception for Bona and various other interruptions including having my ears licked.

I fed the dogs and made tea then wandered the camping to see the punters were still alive and tell them I’d be at the dentist later.

I departed around 11:45 so that I could visit the ACS office to collect a package I knew would be there. I was nearly at the rockfall when the ACS courier arrived and gave me my items by the side of the road. Just as he’d done on a previous occasion.

The dentist was busy with the previous victim so I sat in the waiting room to see if she’d come out alive. Which she did, and smiling too!

There was lots of drilling to prepare my tooth for the new crown. Nothing like the smell of burning bone! At least there was only a small amount of anaesthetic which made life easier. The previous week, I ate almost as soon as I was back at the camping as Manos had prepared something for Toni and I. Only the next day did I discover how many places I’d damaged the inside of my mouth.

There has been a succession of company representatives visiting vying for the positions of supplying the camping during the summer season. It seems likely that Petrakis will be one of them.

The bar and restaurant are undergoing a transformation and tables were being delivered as I talked with the French couple. They were telling me of an incident in a Serbian truck stop where someone hijacked their remote locking code and immobilised the engine control system. Then the scammer arrived to call a friend who would manage to put things right for a fee. They refused to pay and left once they reactivated their van. They plan to post their experiences on as many motorhome websites as possible.

There have been three arrivals. A German couple with very limited English who are parked next to Gabi and Manfred, a French couple from Alsace who are by the sliding gate and a single Englishman walking the E4 eastwards from Elafonissi. He’s down by the beach where I dispose of all the sundry campers.

There were sounds of eating emanating from the Common Room as I passed with the latest arrival so I imagine the day has been officially declared over.

The dogs were fed earlier; I have food in the pot awaiting my attention so will attend to that in due course. Hopefully, no further arrivals will appear today.

Cooler than yesterday with some wind later and remaining cloudy with even a few raindrops. Tomorrow is forecast to be about the same although Saturday may be a little warmer. At least it’s not cold or raining!


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