All Change!

The morning was warm so I was back to light shorts and a polo shirt. There were no surprises this morning, just a delivery to Frank. The courier brought him a chunk of dead animal which I hung in a tree by his caravan to prevent it being attacked by hungry predators.

I was expecting to see the Austrian couple as I rode into Paleochora however they left a little later than expected so I passed them on my way back.

I knew some other customers would be leaving so I made some tea then wandered the camping. Both of the Swiss with young families left but the German couple paid for another night making it three. Gabi was not able to go to Gavdos for some reason however they will still leave tomorrow.

The older German couple have moved their VW camper to the space vacated by the Austrians and appear to have got their van in without mishap. Good for them as it’s not an easy pitch to get into due to the trees. People like it due to the shade, trees and having M1 as a neighbour on the south side.

The Canadian couple moved down to be near the beach as they felt smoked-out by the stove in the Common Room. Why the stove was alight Iast night I know not. The Netherlanders then took the seafront place vacated by one of the Swiss families. I shall never be able to find anyone now.

Having collected money and seen people off, I returned to the dogs to drink my tea and update my customer list and do some gentle admin. I’m sure there were other important events but I don’t seem to recall them as I may have fallen asleep.

Later, I borrowed Toni’s impact driver to remove the two straps which keep the grey water holding tank in position. This has gradually filled up with dross over the years due to the van being stationary. I don’t need the holding tank so it would be better if the water simply drain directly into the flowers conveniently located nearby. The impact driver was very efficient at rounding off the nut so I’ve sprayed everything with WD40 to leave it over night and have another go later once the lubricant has worked its way in.

Surprisingly, there have been no arrivals [so far] this evening other than the Greek couple from earlier camping next to Georgia’s. There are only two booked in for tomorrow; at present, it looks like an easy day unless there are some last-minute arrivals. Unlikely as the weather doesn’t look too promising later in the day and on Sunday.

A mild, windless, sunny day. The weather is forecast to become unsettled tomorrow evening and night with some rain on Sunday and possibly Monday. Pretty wonky weather considering we’re more than halfway through May.


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