Checking Out

It was still and warm as we headed across the car park. The Italian motorhome was in the same place as was the other motorhome further in. I recall that being there yesterday too. We surprised the Italian guy and his dog who were near the rocks with an instrument on a tripod. It was around five so, like me, he probably wasn’t expecting too many people to be around. We had our biscuits, crossed the rocks and left him to it. He was still there on the second as well as the third visit. I’m told he speaks English so I may have a chat with him sometime if the opportunity arises.

I rode my usual route with no intermediate stops. The bike battery was low when I got back so needs to go on charge tonight. I knew there was a number of people wishing to check-out so it was no surprise when I received a call from the French couple who’d already left their pitch and were waiting in the car park. They tried to pay by card but I took their cash instead. The couple who’d adopted the dog were next and they paid the balance by bank transfer, then the single Frenchman and finally, the Dutch couple with the Defender who are off to the Peloponnese.

With that over, I went back to the dogs which I’d already fed, for a cup of tea. It wasn’t long before I was called to the office about some keys. Maria, who will be working in the kitchen, was there. She asked about the keys but I had no idea as they were all there the last time I looked. I’m not the only one with access to reception so anything could happen. The lady who will be Maria’s dogsbody was moving stuff into her room. I understand that Georgia will be there tomorrow afternoon to tell us what the plan is. Hopefully, the plan will no longer involve me but I suspect there will be a couple of days more. Georgia will probably tell her how it’s all to be done as they will be using the paper system so loved by the camping. I shall just have to do my month end and hand over the cash! Maybe a little hand-holding will be required.

I went back to the dogs and amused myself by clearing out some of the wreckage I call a van. The seat covers to the rear seats are completely worn out. They were old in 2012 when I bought the van so they managed another eleven years of doggy abuse. I’ve kept the seat backs and discarded the bases as the foam is no longer very good. The dogs are relegated to the wood for the time being and I’ll think again come the winter. Maybe I’ll chuck in the odd blanket. It’s a little cleaner in there now but hasn’t had much attention in a long while. My plan is to completely muck out the entire van over several sessions.

I’m going to wander off for a shower as the dogs are fed and hopefully there will be no unexpected arrivals this evening.

Warmer than yesterday with plenty of sunshine. The outlook is still unsettled for the next few days.


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