The wind got up during the afternoon and evening and was still with us in the early morning. There was no moon until just before five when the skinny remains slid up from behind the mountains. It wasn’t that dark despite the lack of moon as there was already a good amount of light from the east. The wind was quite strong in exposed areas and careless crossing of the causeway could have resulted in damp feet. Not really a problem for me as I’m wearing sandals nor the dogs for that matter.

Visits to the sea were less frequent as it was quite rough on the Alonáki side although this didn’t deter Sasha who went in against some fairly strong waves. She wasn’t in for long though. Surprisingly, Luis and Oskar managed to make it to Plakaki/Azzuro both times and over the rocks all three times. The sea was up under the umbrellas so the chairs had been pulled up in both locations. The girls didn’t go out a second time as all dogs went the full distance today.

I loafed around before going into Paleochora as the wind had started to moderate and would be calmer the longer I waited. I was feeling a little lazy but worked out that it was something to do with struggling with the dreaded grey water tank the previous afternoon. Lying on pointy stones and trying to undo seized bolts uses muscles not regularly exercised.

I didn’t buy anything but there was plenty of action at Petrakis with deliveries and shoppers thronging all around. Pleochora was generally quite animated. The ride back was with the wind and most pleasant. Work on the rockfall continues unabated.

I fed dogs and made tea before sitting down to play with the H-H computer which is tormenting me. It’s become one of those ongoing things where nothing seems to be easy with no shortage of brick walls no matter which way I turn. Good activity for the ‘Little, Grey Cells’. As someone might say.

Maria called to tell me the Mini-Market till had returned from its trip to Chania to be checked. Later, I went up to the Mini-Market to reconnect the WiFi – Ethernet adaptor. There, I became embroiled in the arrival of a French woman who wished to stay overnight in a tent. She didn’t speak much English so was suitably relieved when I appeared from the Mini-Market: I think Maria was also quite please I was there to deal with the matter. I took her down to look at the rental tents and the remainder of the camping and she decided to stay. Bona came to prepare the tent so I took the woman down to her tent.

I tried to find ways to see if the Mini-Market till was working but there’s limited information. I’ve asked a company if they have the manual in English. Apparently, there’s a WiFi module for the till.

I said goodbye to Fanis, Elene and Dimitra who will return later in the summer. Dimitra tells me she’s hoping for good exam grades and is planning to go to technical university to study engineering. Polytechnic in Greek terms I think.

The camping looks moderately busy this weekend although nothing like next weekend which will be the holiday. Technically, MARIA should have arrived by then but I’ll not hold my breath and wait to see the whites of her eyes.

The noise of the sea has moved from the east to the south so the tents by the beach will have the benefit of being lulled to sleep by the sound of waves. Tomorrow will be windy too although it should be calmer on Sunday.

Warmer than yesterday despite the wind which was quite moderate during the hottest part of the day. The outlook is for the possibility of some rain in the night continuing windy tomorrow.


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