Hottest Day

There was a slight disturbance at feeding time which can be a difficult time of the day anyway. Unlike Sasha, who knows her place as far as Isabella’s concerned, Maya doesn’t really know how to be a dog. Sasha and Maya were taken from their litter very early. Whilst they were together, it was probably reasonable but then I took Sasha at Easter last year. Since then, Maya has been on her own doing pretty much as she pleased. She has rather a steep learning curve ahead of her but it would be nice if she doesn’t pick a fight with Isabella as I’m trying to feed them. In a way, it’s good there is another dog to stand up to Isabella but that creates problems of its own.

Nevertheless, we had a peaceful night as only Isabella was outside and she can usually be trusted not to bark at the neighbours. I was awake before the alarm as it was quite warm in the van. Fortunately, it was a lot cooler once we were out walking.

Several vans lined the track and a car was parked in the car park. The only person we saw was the guy who worked at the supermarket in Kountoura before I started going to Petrakis. He was swimming and having a shower at the beach as I was coming back with the girls. He’s working the summer as a taxi driver he says. I know he also drives HGV as he was driving the water bowser during the road construction project.

I went to Petrakis for some cabbage and carrots then stopped for a swim on the way back. The DDs were next and then I fed the dogs. It was time for my second cup of tea but first I had to get the floor fan working.

I’d cleaned it the evening before but it didn’t survive Sasha jumping on it as she leapt the fence periodically. I’d wrapped the fan in polythene and left it near the kennels. Nevertheless, the important bits work as it still makes cool air.

The morning passed by calmly until I imagined the kitchen unit upon which the Instant Pot stands, appeared to be sloping backwards. Later, it sloped even more as both front straps had come undone. I had to perform some remedial works a while ago as the original fabric fasteners had been destroyed by the sun. My arrangement was sturdy but I was a little light on wire rope so left the ends a little short. With the heat, these had pulled through.

I fixed one then went to minister to MARIA who was suffering from a fit of the vapours as she’d recently ended a relationship of several months. She suffers from tension in the shoulders and neck but doesn’t find the time or inclination to exercise her arms and shoulders regularly. She spends long hours seated in the office and easily gets wound up. The air conditioner in her room was set quite low and was probably responsible for her stiff neck. She’s generally not having a good time. I had a brief chat with Marisa but she was busy with customers. She is aware that I’m in hermit mode so understands why I keep out of the firing line.

I had a lovely call from Finland and spoke to Johannes, Saga but not Luna as her vocabulary is still quite limited. Johannes is looking for a job as the company he was working for fell upon hard times. They now have a little cottage on an island not far from Helsinki with easy access to the city. They decided it might be a little too warm for them at Grammeno right now and anyway, their spot has been taken over by tents.

Some of my day was taken up with finding a replacement router for Wisdom Sports and exchanging information with Sue. I also checked my batteries which are in their caddy so can no longer move apart. Summer temperatures are not very favourable to LFP once it gets to around 35ºC. I’ve taken the precaution of reducing the charge and the capacity during the summer months as there’s little demand for power at nights for now.

It’s too hot to be inside early on so I’m eating outside and amusing myself on YouTuble. Talking of which, it’s time to visit the kitchen!

Another warm day and slightly hotter than yesterday. I was glad to have the floor fan working again. Isabella, parked herself in front of it as soon as it was switched on.


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