One Month On

Petra gave me a goodly helping of big beans which I chomped my way through whilst watching something erudite. I didn’t want anything else after that!

At bedtime, I left Maya out but the noisy arrival of the neighbours was too much so I had to put her collar on her for a quiet night.

The morning was totally still. Nothing moved, not even the sea. The sky was clear and eventually there was a light breeze as we walked to Azzuro. No sign of Kostas or any other humanoid for that matter.

We seemed to be doing well until the second time back from Azzuro when Maya led the charge after some sheep. I was quick to stop Sasha, who I know makes a lot of noise, but Maya took more discouragement. I think the sheep were more shaken than stirred but I suspect Maya got the hint that chasing the sheep was not a good idea.

We returned to the van where I swapped over some washing and put another load in the machine. Bona was overwhelmed again and must wait until the end of the month before her replacement helper arrives. I did three loads in the end.

Our second walk was uneventful with only a couple of pickups parked and some fishermen in the distance. Isabella left her ball somewhere but I’m sure it will appear another time. Sasha had already picked it up when she previously abandoned it so I managed to throw it a couple of times for her before Isabella caught on. Isabella is becoming slightly less possessive especially when it’s hot and she is tired.

I took my bike to the beach after I’d had some tea and exercised my brain. The sea was flat calm so I swam out to the buoy and back. There appears to be only one buoy left. There were more swimmers than the other day when it was windy and the sea was rough.

I went back to feed the dogs as the morning was passing me by. The washing line was full and the sheets were dry but it was too hot to be out there taking it down and folding it up. It was only when Bona came later, having run out of sheets to iron did I take it down, fold it up and deliver it to the ironing room which now has air conditioning! I think Bona would melt otherwise.

All in all, it’s been a rather lethargic day although I did stop the floor fan from overflowing water onto the decking. Following Sasha’s modification, it’s far easier to access the internal workings without having to remove the sides.

I received a message from ACS advising me of an impending delivery. I’m not sure which of the many it is likely to be so there’s another excitement waiting for me.

It was quite hot but not as warm as I’d expected. The forecast was 36ºC and it turned out to be a degree or so warmer. Mostly as there was no air which made it feel quite warm.

It’s now one month since the longest day so the day is already twenty minutes shorter and sunrise is now nearly fifteen minutes later than one month ago.

Warmer than yesterday but almost still most of the day. The sea was flat calm when I went swimming. Tomorrow and Sunday are forecast to be 38ºC and 40ºC so I expect tomorrow to be over 40ºC too and Sunday to be very warm although there will be some wind which may reduce the apparent temperature.


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