Things calmed after the Isabella/Maya excitement last night. A new strategy is called for as this problem manifests itself at feeding time when tensions are high. I shall think of some cunning plan as Baldrick might say.

Last night, Petra awarded me some fartichokes in a reasonable quantity. This was ideal as I had a small amount of ladies fingers and some vlita from the previous days lurking in the fridge. The hot weather tends to dampen the appetite but last night I was catching up and ate all the leftovers. I’d decided the dogs would have them the following morning however there was nothing left to give.

Nevertheless, the night was quiet but warm however not uncomfortably so. There was a stiff breeze first thing in the morning. Kostas was really ahead of us for he was leaving and driving past the field as we were walking towards the beach track. He must have been there very early.

I waited until it was getting light on the second outbound walk to Azzuro before entering the water for a few minutes. The assembled mass waited patiently showing polite concern as I swam out, presumably never to return. I did and we continued to Azzuro.

I dropped off the boys then took the girls and the thrower however Isabella was disinclined to find a ball. We completed our walk and I made tea before exercising my brain.

It was already hot and I had no pressing need to go to Paleochora so went swimming instead. It was a little windy so I remained close to the beach and swam parallel to the shore.

The girls were delighted as I came in via the field gate. You’d think I’d been gone a month. I reloaded the biscuit containers before feeding the girls then let out the boys. There was order and general calmness. I can put down the food for the others once the girls are fed then release the others without incident. Just a matter of preventing Luis from embarking upon Obi’s breakfast.

The day heated up and I felt less like doing anything. Later I was asked to look at one of the cameras at the bar where there are some new staff who I don’t know. I was intercepted by one of them who summoned Panagiotis to verify my identity. As of my visit I learned that the aforementioned plans to leave on Monday which will indeed cause the excrement to collide with the rotating blades of the ventilation system if he cannot be persuaded otherwise. I suspect he is under a great deal of stress and needs to protect himself. So there’s Trouble Up Mill as August is the busiest and probably hottest month at least until 15th. I’m sure that all will be revealed in the fullness of time.

I have only the dogs to feed followed by a shower and a wander to the kitchen before the day is done.

Warmer than yesterday with less wind. Warm again tomorrow but then cooler for the next few days


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