New Router

Poor Raymond was stuck with a customer until 16:30 even though the store officially closed at 16:00. By the time he’d cashed up it was 17:00 or 19:00 here, the time I was supposed to meet Ingo, Silvia and Kalliope for supper. However, with Ray’s help, we managed to replace the router and get the new one going. Our meal at the restaurant was a little later than planned.

We chatted until late so it was past eleven by the time I got back to the van. I presumed the dogs were quiet as I didn’t leave my absence recorder going. They were unsurprisingly delighted to see me so I sat down outside on the decking for a little while to give them a chance to settle down before letting those inside out to pee. I finally fell asleep quite late so the night was very short.

Even though quite a few customers, including the group of one hundred left yesterday, a lot still remain. Many of the tents north of me are rentals so will be there until the camping has no more rental customers.

It was warm and fairly windless as we walked down the Promontory. To my surprise, there was a car parked above Alonáki Beach with headlights blazing out to sea. Another van or truck was parked on the Big Beach with people actively doing things All of this was before 05:00!

We completed our walk with Maya bringing up the rear as I forgot to chivvy her along when leaving Azzuro for the second time. She arrived back at the van just after the main contingent with Luis a short while behind her.

I fed Moggy and took the girls and the thrower for a walk around the Promontory for the last time. There was no wear to the thrower today as Isabella hung onto the balls. I was happy to get back as I wanted to say goodbye to Kalliope, Ingo and Silvia. They were as good as their word as both parents were up and preparing to leave. Only Kalliope was still crashed out away from the tent on a mattress. We said our goodbyes and they very kindly gave me a significant and generous donation towards the animal fund. I left them to it to return to configuring the router to get the email working again before the stores opened for the Holiday Rush of customers.

I had a brief pause then rode to Petrakis as it’s DDs day so shopping was required. I stopped at Alonáki on the way back for a splash in the sea.

I fed dogs, made DDs and tea then finally got to sit down. There were still things to do with the router as I needed to set up the VPNs. The one to Wisdom Sports is working but the other two not, so far. They are older routers so there may be security compatibility problems with the new one.

I went into the van at one point where all except Luis were present. I sat down, turned on my large screen to eventually watch a very interesting documentary about indiscriminate dumping of highly toxic nuclear waste in the seas and oceans. There’s plenty around the sea surrounding the UK. The metal containers rotted away allowing the toxic waste to escape and marine life to absorb the toxins to eventually pass them up the food-chain, Remember that as your next fishy meal glows quietly back at you from the plate.

At one point I went into the van to do something important to discover that all of the dogs except for Luis were inside. With a Heat Index over forty, it was very warm outside so I stayed inside for an hour or so too. What a wonderful invention the modern air conditioner is especially when the sun is providing the electricity to drive it! It felt terrible when I eventually went outside to swap the DDs which were in the pot, for the doggy rice.

Otherwise, considering it’s the UK Bank Holiday, I’ve not had many support calls other than from Simon and Sue. I’ve been playing with other configurations on and off all day. My next excitements are to feed the dogs and get some food from the kitchen. I shall not be late to bed this evening…

Warmer than yesterday with a Heat Index over 40ºC at one point. Tomorrow could be similarly warm with temperatures cooling slightly until the beginning of September. Thursday is a Blue Moon!


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