Wet & Windy

There were many ladies with missing fingers as I ate a ton of them having heated them up, as it was raining and the day was cool. I put my brain into neutral and watched an episode of Bugs. Predictable but harmless. I seemed to be hooked on YouTube shorts.

It rained in the night with some thunder. Only Maya wanted to be outside and she was lying on the rug. I woke in the night to the sound of rain. The rain was persistent and the thunder moderate so I fell back to sleep until the alarm.

I examined the forecast which predicted all manner of horrid events but I resisted the temptation to believe it and go back to sleep so took the dogs out anyway.

Only one van and accompanying car remained on the track and zero cars in the car park. There was some wind but the sea was moderately calm. I noticed that Ammos Beach Bar and Azzuro had stacked their chairs and dragged them up the beach.

Despite the forecast, it didn’t do anything untoward so we completed both visits to Azzuro uneventfully. I returned the boys inside whereupon Oskar came bounding out and decided to join the Crazies on their walk once Moggy was fed. I didn’t leave Hell for Bona as she didn’t take any for yesterday for some reason.

The Crazies had loads of fun. In and out of the sea then chasing the balls madly with Oskar looking on in a bemused state. We were out a reasonable time to wear them out in case the day turned horrible.

The sky became blacker so we’d been back about an hour when it started to rain in varying degrees of heaviness. At one point, it was raining so hard, the water was backing up all around and there was some minor flooding. Walking around the camping later, I could see customers drying their tents and equipment. There were signs that the usual streams of water had flowed down towards the sea.

Then it stopped, the sun came out and the day warmed up and dried out. I put the DDs into the Pot to cook and settled down to do important things. It’s possible I may have fallen asleep due to all the excitement of the day.

I could hear the waves on Alonáki Beach but the sun was shining so I wandered round to play in the waves for a few minutes. So long as I kept my eye on the waves and my position relative to my towel, everything was fine. Getting out required concentration to avoid being laid flat by the waves. I’m not sure that even The Crazies would have been too eager to go into the sea. Moreover, it was not a particularly attractive colour due to runoff and weed and other debris dragged up from who knows where. I walked back to the van and had a shower to wash off the salt or other unpleasantness.

The ground it still wet although the superficial sand is dry. At least the rain will lay some of the dust and leave clear skies for a few days. Apparently, other areas have been flooded in Crete, the mainland and abroad. Luckily, most of the heavy weather went to the north and missed at least this part of the island. I suspect it was wet in the mountains due to the colour of the sea from the runoff.

Tomorrow and the next few days are forecast to be slightly warmer but without the added excitement of rain although it might be windy.

The main theme of the day was the wetness, all 18.3mm and the quick turnaround from flooding one minute to sun and warmth the next. It will remain unsettled for a few days but hopefully dry.


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