
Our morning walks were completed without undue excitement. Skinny joined the girls for a ball-throwing extravaganza on The Promontory. It was quite mild so Isabella decided she’d done enough once we left the Big Beach. The sea was calmer there although it’d been fairly active on the Alonáki side earlier. I knew it was rougher than of late due to the noise wafting across the field to my boudoir.

I set off for Paleochora for some bread and a visit to Petrakis for some DD ingredients. I enquired after the bottle of gas ordered on the 1 November which hadn’t been passed to the delivery department for action. I returned to the camping to give Lucia her portion of the bread. Nothing for the neighbours.

I released and fed some dogs, made tea and decided to change my bed and wash the duvet which I put on top of the mattress for additional comfort. I bunged everything into the washing machine then forgot all about it until much later.

I was expecting two arrivals. One passed to be from Maria the other who phoned me a couple of days previously. The first arrival was Giuseppe who’d gone walkabout to Frango Castelli but had returned to Grammeno after only a couple of nights away. He says it’s much more comfortable here.

The next arrival was Klaus II and his S550 Hymer which is slightly younger than mine. He went next to the restaurant kitchen. They put on a massive load of washing so I guessed they’d only stay a night.

A group consisting of two Greek guys and a French woman were waiting at reception. They are now by the beach but haven’t given any idea how long they might stay.

Jens, the German guy who I inherited from Marisa paid until the end of March for his tent which he’s placed on the beach front.

The guy who called and who is thinking of coming for fifteen weekends through winter, arrived later followed soon after by the couple with the small children who’d called during the week. It was now dark and I wanted to get something to eat and call it a day. I put them in Ξ4 and 6 respectively leaving them to sort themselves out.

There was some talk of further arrivals however they’d made other arrangements to my relief. By this time the washing machine was ready so I took the laundry to the couple.

It was only now I was able to get something to eat having fortunately fed the dogs earlier. It was a busy afternoon. I lost the will to write my blog but went for a shower after reconstructing my bed and was, soon after, enjoying its freshness!

The warmest day of the month and very sunny. Several comments about how warm it was. Even I felt so!


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