
It was so warm in the morning I didn’t bother to put on my heavier shorts and didn’t feel cold at all. Considering it’s November…

The usual collection of motorhomes was to be found on the track and another in the car park. The moon wasn’t having trouble with the clouds today so it was easy to navigate to the rocks. Amazingly, the dogs managed to keep together and arrive almost simultaneously at the collection points. Only Obi missed out as we waited at the entrance to the Promontory after visiting Azzuro. I should have waited a little longer after going back to the track for him. He caught us up as we walked back towards the camping.

Skinny joined the girls after I fed Moggy so we set off across the field in semi-darkness as it was still only 06:40. This was fortunate as it enabled me to ride to Anatoli and Petrakis, avoid the road closure and be back in time to collect money from the guy occupying B5 for the past six nights. It was he who wondered why there was no one in reception at 08:15 in November. By the time he left, I was feeling more disposed towards him.

To my utter amazement Gabi and Manfred had already left the camping even though neither Gabi nor I believed Manfred when he said they’d leave at eight! I delivered bread to Lucy, multigrain today, then put on a wash which Franz and his wife carried between them to the washing machine. I made tea and then helped Jessica move from B3 to the recently vacated position which they occupied on their previous stay.

I got on with some useful stuff before returning the wash to Franz and partner.

I received three phone calls from Greeks wishing to know whether the camping is open. The last caller was a teacher who may work two days in Paleochora and wants to stay one night until the year ends. He comes from Chania where Maria has to go each Friday. Seems a crazy arrangement although Maria was given the option of the Paleochora job.

Toni called to tell me customers were waiting at reception. A couple in a fancy Mercedes van with graphics over it. I felt the guy was a bit of an idiot but showed him around the camping not giving him what he wanted because I felt his van was too large to be parked in the entrance blocking the view for everyone else. I even suggested he might be more comfortable at Paleochora camping, wild camping on the beach or elsewhere on the north or perhaps anywhere other than Grammeno. It only takes one awkward customer to mess with the ambiance. Maybe he got the message as they decided nothing I’d offered was spacious or suitable. It was with great sadness as I watched them depart.

I eventually managed to finish making the soup I was preparing. Fakes, potato, spinach, onion and leek. All put through the cutter and now warming up in the pot.

I didn’t really get as much done as I wanted due to all the interruptions. It will be interesting to see if the teacher takes the job and decides to stay. I suggested he might take the school bus which stops outside the camping entrance to pick up local kids.

Otherwise it was a cloudy start but the forecast rain never arrived and gave way to a warm and mostly sunny afternoon.

A cloudy start with the threat of rain leading to a sunny, warm afternoon. The weekend and next week are beginning to look rather unsettled with the possibility of rain. Cooler than yesterday.


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