
I watched an interesting YouTube video by a man building his own Tiny House. As Tiny Houses go, it was quite big but he’d done his research and watched plenty of YouTube videos of others performing the tasks required to complete the project. I found it quite absorbing so went to bed later than usual. Apparently, he has no particular skills although a fine array of woodworking tools at his disposal and a willing helper for some of the two-handed jobs. I’ve not seen the video to its conclusion as it was well past my bedtime!

The morning felt a little cooler but there was little wind yet plenty of moonlight. The moon was almost overhead but is now getting up much earlier so past it’s mid-point and will disappear until after Christmas but will be full just before the New Year.

The dogs charged off in pursuit of something incredibly interesting on The Promontory so I saved quite a few biscuits during the first couple of stops. At least they were rushing about and getting tired without annoying anyone.

We walked to Azzuro and most managed to show up for biscuits, even Luis, but on the way back to The Promontory. I was thinking, so not very focussed on their whereabouts. Fortunately, most of them kept up except for Luis who didn’t make it back to the camping with the others. Just Obi and Oskar were left in the van, Luis was lost in the darkness and Skinny was doing his best to blend into it.

The second trip to Azzuro with the ball thrown there and back although we stuck to the track for ease and speed both ways. Things hotted up on The Promontory as it was getting light so the balls were easier to find. The battered ball from yesterday struggles on and even made it back to the camping. I had a spare anyway.

I rode to Anatoli and back for bread and dropped off to Lucy who rewarded me with some washing. I went to drop the alternate day loaf to The Wrights who also required use of the washing machine. Lucy took hers up and I went to collect the key.

I fed the dogs then got on with the DDs. The dogs followed me into the van so I had to hand out raw cabbage to the assembled multitude. I finally got the pot out of the door and into the heating up bit so that I could make and enjoy my first cup of tea of the day.

There were the inevitable trips to the washing machine although I conned Kevin into delivering Lucy’s washing to her. Their’s was finally delivered in a his and hers twin bucket arrangement so there was no slacking. They’d put up a suitable washing line so I left them to it. Jamie was just getting up but it was only around midday!

Other than DDs and associated activities I’ve not really done much other than catch up some camping admin. There have been no arrivals or departures so far.

The day seemed to pass aimlessly by once the washing was out of the way. I did manage to charge up some collars as well as replace batteries in some of their lights. There should be no excuse to lose Isabella, Skinny or Sasha in the morning as they have new batteries so will flash brightly. That said, at this point in time, Weather Underground is warning of the possibility of a thunderstorm during the night as well as 100% possibility of rain from 03:00-07:00 with some hesitation regarding the volume. Hopefully, the rain will come earlier rather than later. Thursday isn’t looking too promising at present either.

Gabi, who was at Grammeno with Manfred and Ella only a few weeks ago, sent photos of their home in Munich which is quite different from their place at Grammeno. They plan to return here in the Spring of ‘24.

The final image is of my decking after repainting yesterday afternoon. Clicking any image should make it bigger.

A cooler but clear morning with a waning moon and little wind. The day warmed up to be just a very tiny bit cooler than yesterday. There is a risk of a thunderstorm in the night with rain early morning. Goody! But then it may all change during the night…