
The evening was chilly so the heating went on once the sun went down and we were inside. A little later due to an extended remote support session with Peter Dunkly.

I knocked up some pasta with Vegan Pesto as the pesto was out of date and I couldn’t be bothered with anything else. My viewing choices included BBT and a trip back in time to The Royal, the spinoff of Heartbeat as well as Halt and Catch Fire about the PC evolution. I was quite late to bed and still awake after 11!

As the Winter Solstice approaches, the mornings are ever darker so I didn’t get up until five. I was mostly awake but there seemed little point when it’s so dark.

The moon is not powerful at present and was very much in the east of the sky. It was cold and a little windy so I was happy to have on an extra layer as well as socks and boots.

Luis managed to keep up quite well today. Maybe he only likes the camping when Jessica is here? Since she and Darien left yesterday he’d need to go quite far to find them.

Maya disappeared for a while taking the place of Luis as absentee. She was waiting for us to return and barked to scare us away as we approached. I took the three of them for a run around on The Promontory where a man was fishing from the rocks off the causeway.

I had a pleasant ride to Paleochora for bread then took Betty onto the beach with Kevin and threw the ball for a few minutes. The kitten came too and spent much of his time trying to attack Kevin’s shoes or an attempt to climb my legs.

I spent a lot of time trying to get around the missing Outlook calendar but then joined the others for Tiffin down at the bar where we discussed plans for Christmas Day. Not really my thing but I mustn’t appear totally unsociable.

I returned to feed the animals and remembered to take out the wash I put in this morning. He’s not in a hurry but it’s likely to rain tonight so drying might be a problem as it was heavier stuff.

It’s been a lovely day with plenty of sunshine. It wasn’t hard to sit down at the bar drinking tea. I wore socks and boots this morning which made quite a difference to my feet particularly. The computer problem kept me quite busy too.

According to the electricity meter, the AC used less than one kWh to heat the van all evening for about five hours. It comes on a goes off as needed and it would be even warmer if there were fewer droughts.

Warmer and sunnier than yesterday thanks to the lack of wind. Tonight and early tomorrow are likely to be damp but hopefully it will stop by morning.