
I was a little later eating due to one thing or another so my TV viewing was shorter too. Jack Frost investigated a wages snatch which turned out to be more complicated due to family involvement. Sadly, his latest relationships appears to have drawn to a close as his true partner always takes preference. I had some big beans and tomato and watched an episode of BBT to finish off the evening.

The morning was mild and still with varying degrees of cloud. On the whole, a good selection of stars. Ursula was awake, unsurprisingly, so I took her on a virtual dog walk from The Promontory to Azzuro and back. Skinny came out again with the girls after I fed Moggy.

It seemed a lot lighter this morning so I was throwing the ball almost as soon as we started up the track. By the time we’d been to Azzuro and back to the Promontory and introduced a second ball, the dogs had a good run and Isabella was puffed out. She always insists on being in charge of all the balls. Later, I led a team of explorers into the depths of the storeroom to discover a number of items stashed away for safekeeping. One of which was my blood pressure monitor. I discovered two glow-in-the-dark balls which I’d been meaning to unearth once the sun started to get lazy. We still have plenty of time until the sun even considers getting up a little earlier so I’ll take one of these balls tomorrow to make things easier when it’s dark.

I rode to Paleochora to buy three loaves of bread as one was for the new people, the Germans who live in Switzerland. I popped into Petrakis again as I needed a large potato for the DDs and also found some nice-looking beetroot. The ride back was against the wind.

Having distributed the bread, I took Betty for a stroll onto the beach with her ball and ended up on Alonáki as she decided the sea was better there. We were joined by Bear, the kitten who seems to want to go everywhere Betty goes, not wishing to be left out. Due to miscalculation, the ball was lost at see. There were waves which prevented Betty from seeing the ball. Isabella would have swum out and found it regardless but then she’d a devoted ball aficionado.

There was wash for the latest arrivals but otherwise I sat in the sun enjoying the view. Xanthippos was gathering wood for his stove so was warmly greeted by the dogs until they worked out who it was and got used to the chainsaw. He finally chucked everything into a vehicle and left us in peace.

The guy from ACS delivered a coin holder as I keep losing money between the gaps in the decking boards. There is carpet over much of it but not all.

My next excitement was to collect poo which still requires disposal. I then got involved with various items in the storeroom once I chucked off all the clutter lovingly put on top of my clutter. I also extracted my Cannondale bike which has been gathering dust at the back of the storeroom. I changed the saddle and pumped up the tyres but I suspect there may be a slow puncture in the rear tyre. I’ve not seen any puncture repair items recently and think I may have given them to Jorma when they were here earlier in the year as he had lots of problems with his bike tyres. It will make a decent backup and a loaner for people on the camping. It could do with a new chain and sprockets though and a bit of a tidy up.

I finished off the DDs and fed the dogs then put on the second wash of the day for Kevin and Antja for the morning.

Cooler than yesterday by 0.5ºC with a little wind which has now moved around to the (north)east. There’s the possibility for some rain tomorrow night and early Saturday morning.