Longest Night

It was pasta with an interesting tomato sauce which included things like garlic, onion, carrot and leek if only I’d remembered to put it in. This was to accompany an enigmatic episode of Lewis followed by some shorts on YouTube. I even managed to stay awake until bedtime!

An extremely short shower temporarily interrupted my slumbers but, having consulted the various forecasting apps, I decided it was safe to go out for a walk at getting up time. There were a few drops in the air but otherwise quite pleasant. The river had settled down but is now wider rather than deep so carefully crossing by the sea is easy. I should imagine it will be even easier tomorrow.

I fed Moggy and turned on the water heater then took the girls plus Skinny out again. We’ve had better walks but we still achieved our goals.

I rode to Paleochora for bread and a visit of Petrakis where I bought a very nice cauliflower and some potatoes which together solves the ‘what do I eat tonight’ conundrum. I bought carrots for the DDs which will be required tomorrow morning.

I delivered bread to three different locations then eventually returned to feed the dogs and make tea for me. In all, there was quite a bit of in-and-out today.

I had some time to enjoy the sunshine but went out again to turn on the heater once more. Antoni called to deliver some shrooms which he’d recently collected.

The day then degenerated into preparing food for myself and then feeding the dogs.

Today is the shortest day of the year so from now, the sun will set a little later. The sun will not rise earlier until after 14 January 2024.

Warmer than yesterday with only a few occasional raindrops.There is the possibility of a shower this evening and tomorrow late morning. The wind is generally southerly.