
I fell asleep in front of the box once again so retired to bed early but then woke up around two when I got up for a leak.

The night and morning were mild, still only one vehicle in the car park to begin with but others arrived before the end of the second walk to have an Xmas stroll I presume.

Even Skinny stayed behind, only Oskar was a little late returning. I’d turned on the hot water at 04:45 so that didn’t need doing.

The girls enjoyed their walk then I rode to Paleochora for no other reason than a little exercise. I called at the bakery even though I didn’t need anything but was rewarded with a small cake for being a Christmas customer. I probably managed to work it off on the way back.

I dropped bread to Lucia who was busy doing things for later. She’s been working on the Christmas Festivities for some while. She’s certainly the queen of decorations.

The wonderful Christmas decorations and room organisation provided by the ladies especially Lucia who worked for hours in the preceding weeks.

The day was generally relaxing as I had little to do. I spent time drinking tea and sending Christmas greetings. I eventually geared myself up to feed the dogs and get ready for the evening attraction.

I put the dogs inside then sloped off to join everyone in the Winter Room which Lucia had been mostly responsible for preparing. Certainly, she was responsible for most of the decorations which must have taken her hours. All individually wrapped and decorated. Lights galore inside and out.

Georgia had phoned earlier to ask what I was doing before going off to have a meal with her family. She told me Martha was getting over the CoVID as it had been passed around to Manolis as well. She arrived later bearing bottles of exotic aperitifs and sugary cakes traditional at Christmas.

Most of the camping turned up to partake of gluhwein and other Christmassy indulgences. There was plenty of salad and no turkey, but some chicken. I must see how this operation was funded as I may need to make some adjustments. Georgia was accompanied by Zoe and Petra who’d been at work in the greenhouses all day! They went off soon after as they had guests to entertain. I departed after the meal to turn off the water heater and let out the dogs. All had been inside since 16:30 except for Maya who was happy to remain alone outside. The others remained and were musically entertained and sang songs.

Another Christmas draws to a close.

Mild and grey with only a few sunny intervals. There is a low probability of a little rain tomorrow.