Buried treasure was the theme of Heartbeat. Someone had been systematically robbing the deceased which turned out to be the guy who prepared the bodies for viewing. Greengrass and Sgt Blaketon found themselves trapped together in an old family mausoleum following a fall-in. Next was As Time Goes By and then I slept through something else so retired to bed.

The sound of rain on the roof made me look more closely at the weather forecast, I delayed a little as I could see raindrops in the cameras. We eventually managed a dry walk other than a few spots of rain. I took the girls to Azzuro and back then called it a day as I was flagging. I’d gone to bed snorting and snuffling and woke up in a similar condition.

I rode to Paleochora for Bread then delivered to Lucia whilst petting Betty, just for a change. Kevin donated the remains of their loaf to the dogs which appreciated it.

I really just wanted to collapse in my chair in the sunshine which I did, with copious amounts of lemon/ginger/honey tea, my preferred morning beverage. More a fruit salad I suppose.

Erica and Janne called for a chat and to wish me a Happy New Year. We chatted and drank tea. I spent much of the day sleeping in the sun. Later, I put Luis and Oskar inside as they were annoying then fed the dogs around four.

I took the girls for a walk around the Promontory meeting Joyce and Merlot on the way. Merlot found Sasha and Maya a little bouncy for her taste and Isabella lay down panting with her two balls between her paws. At least the girls have had a run if we have to modify our early walk tomorrow. Rain is forecast and I can see a big blue blob approaching. Ideally, any rain will fall in the night and not the early morning.

I sent my apologies with Joyce that I will not attend the NYE wake from nine(!). A bit of a shame. I plan to eat something and then go to bed.

A whole new year awaits us in the morning.

Warmer than yesterday with some very welcome sunshine which made me feel better as well as charge the battery.