Windy and Chilly

Forgotten is becoming more complicated now that the pieces of the jigsaw are coming together. Slade Prison was next and from here to India to the Good Karma Hospital and then a little YouTube before bed. All this and spaghettini bolognaise too!

The morning was very windy. I examined the weather and came to the conclusion it might appear more pleasant in the light. I suggested to the dogs a further thirty minutes in bed might be good and heard no arguments. When we finally went out, it was first light so we had the ball and thrower so the girls could race around.

It was more sheltered on the Promontory so I found a sunny spot from where to throw the ball. Isabella didn’t appear to be paying attention so we exchanged a few balls with those previously lost. After an hour or so, I’d had enough and didn’t seem to have much argument from the dogs so we went back.

I had a laundry to take out for the Wrights and another to put in. The recently-arrived Dutch put on another and there was one more later. The Froggies hopped it and no one arrived other than Johan to return to the fold.

It was warm and sunny out of the wind when I eventually got to sitting in the the sun a lot later. I sorted out the two wonky electricity meters. Bay 3 is alive and well again whereas the 09 is dead so now has the board which Janne and Erica had. They will have an updated board when I sort their connection. I have time before April.

I prepared the DDs for later and drank tea, quite a lot of tea. There wasn’t that much sitting around due to trips to the washing machine and fixing the meters.

Bona and Noel came later in the afternoon. Bona drank Hell whilst Noel rode his bike around the camping. She’s going to Manolis the dentist to have her front lower teeth fixed and has a large gap there now where they used to be. It seems I’m allowed to see the gap whereas others are not…

Tomorrow promises to be less windy or even still. Monday afternoon and Tuesday look potentially wet.

Cooler than yesterday and sunny but also very windy. More wintery weather is on the way.