
After a visit to India with the Good Karma Hospital, I tried Mr Selfridge, the story about how the Selfridges business started in an unfashionable part of London. It will be interesting to see how it develops. The next item was the second series of Sanditon which I find to be harmless and unchallenging viewing. Finally, to YouTube and some electrical installation videos.

There was some light rain in the night so I listened for five minutes and consulted the weather forecast before getting up. We finally left just before six with some fine rain from over the mountain floating in the air. It was not warm and I’d forgotten to bring my gloves. Our trip to Azzuro was without too many absentees due to the cadaver as I was on the case and watching the likely candidates.

It was starting to get light as we walked the Promontory for the second time: only Obi failed to turn up for the final biscuit stop. He was to be found in the camping a little later.

I took the girls and bumped into Nina with both bears. There was apparently not enough time to walk them separately as they had an appointment with a mechanic in Kantanos later.

I rode to Paleochora with a stop at Anatoli for two loaves. One for the old lady across the road who stuffed money into my hand as I rode out of the gate. She’d seen me deliver bread to Lucia on a previous occasion. There was a visit to Petrakis for some tomatoes and a little garlic just for a change. I’m assured onions and garlic help to keep the arthritis at bay. My thumbs have been complaining since I installed the east side piece.

The morning was inactive as I took down the sunblocker to gain full advantage of the sunshine which was periodically interrupted by the odd cloud.

There were a couple of morning departures. The solo lady whose motorhome has been regularly to Morocco judging by the number of artistic external decorations. She was very nice and said she enjoyed her stay. Seeing as the last time I saw her was when she arrived three days previously. Also, Brian and his Vizsla left to meet up with a friend and do some walking.

Later, following a walk around the site to clear up the broken pot outside reception, I boldly decided to tackle the green shading material over the northern and western fences. The inner layer had slipped down affording the opportunity for the dogs to see out and bark at passers by. The northern section had been lying on the ground for a while and the remaining layer simply flipped up over the fence revealing all.

This all took a little while as there was an arrival from Finland. A restaurant owner accompanied by his parents who’d flown in to meet him. He’d spent several weeks wending his way from Finland. They have taken the place of the couple who are probably still waiting for their ferry.

I finished off the fence, took his wash back to him and collected money from Joyce as she will be off for a while to do veterinary things elsewhere on the island. She knows how to keep busy but there’s always work for a vet on Crete.

The day was generally milder than the previous and finally free of wind. I got quite a lot done too.

Warmer than yesterday and virtually windless after the early morning. The weather is looking cooler for the next few days.