
Morse is out of Jail and Thursday has recovered from being shot through the lung. Morse wasn’t planning to go back to work but a particularly intriguing series of murders eventually changed his mind. I spent the remainder of the evening on YouTube watching mostly useful and interesting material.

The Siblings had me up at four to go out and Oskar joined them. They were not out for long and, fortunately, settled quite quickly once back in. I went back to sleep but there were other external disturbances which caused me to wake up and just wait for the alarm.

The morning was reasonably mild although my hands felt chilly despite my gloves. We found one car and a van in the car park together with the couple with the caravan and pickup who were in the camping during the rough weather. We didn’t make it to Azzuro because of the river which currently resembles something out of the Grand Canyon. Maybe the river will be traversable tomorrow. Yeah, right…

There was some reluctance amongst the assembled company to quit the river and its various attractions so I had to wait a little to get everyone together on a couple of occasions. At one point we found Nina’s dogs wandering on their own having abandoned her on The Promontory.

We came out again once the cats were fed and the smaller dogs settled. Skinny accompanied us and is still keen on the female bear as is their male bear. Nina and I had a good chat about transferring her telephone service to Cosmote Neo. It works for me as I don’t have to remember to do anything and Cosmote take the money automatically on the same day each month. I now have a huge amount of data and 4,000 SMS messages! Sadly, I still have to pay extra for messages sent ‘abroad’ which accounts for nearly all of the traffic. Finding out how much I have to pay for the aforementioned messages is an unfathomable mystery.

I rode to Paleochora for two loaves and a visit to Petrakis primarily for some carrots for tomorrow’s DDs. There were plenty of other sundry items including some bananas. Later, Litsa gave me a load of oranges so I’m well provided for on the fruit front.

I delivered all of the bread to Lucia who passed the other loaf to the neighbours once they surfaced. I returned to the dogs to decant food into containers and eventually feed them, much to their delight. I made tea then collapsed into my chair.

The morning passed rapidly with a trip down to give change to Lucia and take money from the departing Wrights. They finally left later in the day and will catch the ferry to Gytheon tomorrow.

Other highlights included seeing off the Wrights, cleaning the men’s bathroom after Toni’s attempts at unblocking the drains. He will discuss the matter with Georgia. Litsa came with oranges and we had a brief chat. Georgia came so I was able to give her the money I’d only just put together. I mentioned the height of some of the eucalyptus and the concerns of some of the punters when it was very windy. She told me it costs €2,500 to get the trees cut and topped! But she will consider the matter. Georgia told me she’d felt a little down recently and even sought help where she was told to get out more and do stuff. It pays to keep physically active to keep your brain from dwelling too much but more difficult when there’s unfavourable weather.

I shall order a new inverter tomorrow as I’ve decided to go with the cheaper option and change it more regularly. With a new inverter, I’ll have a backup unit and be able to add on parallel devices should the need ever arise. With the heat and dust, I don’t believe any inverter, no matter how expensive, will last long here.

Only the girls are outside as I left them to let off steam but they’re now out in the dark. A guy rang me a while ago about staying over during the weekend. An American who said he’d arrive a couple of hours later. I suggested he help himself to a vacant space by the entrance and I’d see him on the morning. He’s sleeping in his car and just wants to use the facilities so I’m not going to put myself out for €10!

The weather was generally warm and sunny but with more clouds than yesterday. Out of the sun, the wind was decidedly chilly. The weather should remain stable for a few days.