
Michael Kitchen (Detective Chief Superintendent Foyle – Foyle’s War) plays the pious but philandering religious leader of a local church who is carrying on with a wellness clinician. She is found dead, not far from the location where they met above the butcher’s shop, the owner of which is another of the church’s parishioners. The church leader lives with his wife and three children together with a local girl who was previously in trouble with the law. Frost has the unenviable task of cutting through the red herrings to discover the murderer. The remaining part of the evening was on YouTube watching interesting stuff. One of which was to finish off the A frame house build which I started the previous evening. The quality of the production was equal to the quality of the construction. It’s a very big house on a very large parcel of land miles from anywhere.

The moon was low in the western sky as we traversed the beach car park where there was a small van, the Polish motorhome and the pickup and caravan. Still no water in the river although the rain the previous evening amounted to very little other than some dampness underfoot. Azzuro is still there and it was beginning to get light as we walked back. The Slovenian guy in the small van was careless enough to open the rear door and make encouraging noises to the dogs so was literally stampeded by seven dogs which he quickly counted. He says he knows the Slovenians who stayed in the camping and recently left. He likes it in Paleochora, where I’ve seen him recently, but he was being stalked by a dog and its owner so decided to come to Grammeno to avoid any upset.

The girls came out onto the beach as the truck was emptying the glass recycling container which was extremely full as I discovered when I put glass in yesterday. We walked back to Azzuro once more, throwing the ball as we went.

I rode over Panorama to the bakery for two loaves then returned to put in the first load of washing for the young family who arrived recently. They were followed by the couple who arrived yesterday who appeared upset when I said someone already had the first slot. I prepared the DDs, did the washing up and made tea.

Yesterday was quite busy and there were washes today so I wasn’t rushing to get into much. There was the computer install for LBS to finish which is now almost complete. The email domains can wait until the weekend where Sunday is likely to be uninspiring.

It was warm once the initial cloudiness disappeared and so warm I needed to relocate out of the direct sunlight for the sake of my iPad and myself. There was a call from a woman enquiring after a small cabin for March/April so I chatted to her and sent her some stuff to look at. Otherwise, quite an undemanding day.

A cloudy moon on a mild morning with some stars overhead. The morning started cloudy but developed into a very warm day with heaps of sunshine. Indeed, the inverter overheated and shut itself down. Friday and Saturday are looking similar but Sunday may be quite unsettled and wet during the night and Monday morning.