
Hetty Wainthropp was on her own as a wandering artist investigating poison pen letters which seemed to go to newcomers to the village as well as those born there. She eventually found the culprit, the former village bobby who’d taken it upon himself to keep the populous under control. YouTube until I fell asleep! I really must go to bed before that happens.

There was rain on the roof early on and I could still hear it when the alarm sounded so I went back to sleep. It was light when we went out and still raining. The dogs were all up for going out despite the rain. With the strong, easterly wind, it was pretty miserable as we trudged down towards the rocks but not over them as it was windy and the sea was in a bad mood.

I threw the ball for the girls as it was going to be an all-in-one walk today due to the weather. We were heading back when one of Nina’s bears appeared, initially unnoticed by the dogs. Luis galloped over to him and proceeded to bark. It was the 50kg Rottweiler within speaking as we only see the small, brown dog. The funniest was when Luis lunged at the huge animal and he ran away with Luis in hot pursuit. Both Nina and I found it most amusing.

We walked back up to the rocks, the dogs all settled down after a couple of tellings off by me to Isabella and Oskar for barking. That’ll learn ‘em. I had to be careful with the controllers today as I’d finally swapped Maya for Obi and Luis so that the three girls are now on the ‘top’ buttons, Obi is relegated to the Luis button and Luis to the single controller. That way, I have only to take one controller when out with just the girls.

It was still blowing and showery so trips to Paleochora or Kountoura were very likely to be met with extreme dampness or mishap in the wind. Some tea seemed a more attractive solution so I washed up and made tea.

I’d fed the dogs when we came back so I let the boys inside and sat outside with The Siblings and my tea. I wandered the camping to make sure things were working, saw the Americans were not going anywhere and went up to the office to find the camping stamp which Maria needed for something. I collected money from the Dutch couple who were leaving to go east and then wandered back as the camping appeared to be in one piece despite the wind.

Later, ACS called to deliver two heavy boxes of dog food shipped from Sofia to Grammeno for Nina’s bears. I was at the gate as the courier arrive together with the wheelbarrow to carry the boxes of food. He’d called earlier to warn me the consignments were heavy and smiled when I appeared with a wheelbarrow. He placed them in the barrow for me and I took them down to the bar which is where their van is now parked.

The Americans appeared and chatted to Korel a while. Apparently, he’s travelled quite a bit to the US and also Russia. I went to speak to Lucia who’d beat me to go to the bakery and come back with corn bread which she said was too chewy for her taste and gave it to me. I spent a little while hooking her laptop to her smart TV so she could watch stuff on the larger screen. Her screen has very low volume so I suggested she might try some USB speakers which I’ve had for years. They didn’t work with the TV so I put them into the laptop which gave much better sound but couldn’t be controlled via the TV remote which might prove a pain.

By this time, the sun had come out so I released the dogs and fell asleep in the sun after the trauma of my speaker installation. It was then time to feed the cats and the dogs.

Toni called to tell me there was running water from T5 so I went over to unlock to find the bathroom basin tap going full blast. Someone had left the tap turned on whilst I’d turned off the water to check the operation of the ηλιακός [θερμοσίφωνας] (solar water heater) as I thought the hot might be running away somewhere. The water heater(s) may need to be replaced. One of them is there since the dawn of time and the other came from on top of the bathrooms.

The day ended with us all going inside quite late for a change.

The day started and continued wet and windy until the afternoon when the wind subsided and the sun came out. A great relief to all however there is the possibility of more rain tonight and tomorrow morning. The rain value above is probably incorrect as there was something blocking the rain gauge funnel which has now been cleared. I need to get that down from the fence as the trees are too tall and interfere with the readings.