
Auntie Hetty was investigating why finalists in a singing contest were being systematically knocked out of the running before even the final began. She was delighted to present a Poirot-style exposé by having the suspects in the same room to disclose the culprit. All good, harmless Yorkshire fun.

I checked the weather before leaving my bed as there had been talk of rain. There were clouds over the mountains which looked quite threatening but came to nothing more than a few drops of rain as I rode to Paleochora.

In all, we accomplished three trips to Azzuro and a total of just over 8km for me, the dogs most likely walked a little further. The dog from yesterday had taken his masters elsewhere leaving only a motorhome and a car in the beach car park.

I rode straight to Anatoli as there had been a little rain and there were lots of black clouds lurking. I reckoned I’d be doing a fair amount of wandering around the camping anyway. I shopped for DDs in Petrakis and tried to get some rusks for TOLFATR (The Old Lady From Across The Road). I didn’t find what she wanted so I said I’d keep them for myself. She’d chucked the packaging away and was meagre with her description. I’m sure the rusks will be delicious anyway. I used Lucia as an excuse to escape as otherwise she would have kept me there half the day. She’s desperately lonely.

I dropped bread to Lucia and petted Betty before returning to feed the dogs and finish the DDs. I made tea and sat in the sun.

The main focus of the day was to remove Lucia’s festival of identical or duplicate passwords and reset the more important. It was quite slow at the beginning but sped up once I got the hang of it. I spent time with her later on showing her how it all works. I have her password so can fix things remotely anyway. I shall migrate to the same password manager anyway.

A family in a van arrived late afternoon however the two separate couples from yesterday didn’t appear. I have zero expectations so am never disappointed nor surprised when people don’t show. Vagelis, who was here with friends during the weekend, returned from Iraklion with a different friend. They are in Ξ1 which they cleaned for themselves as Bona had not done it.

It feels chilly outside and I have the heating on in the van.

It was calm and mild first thing but became cooler as the wind got up later. It was sunny and would have been a lot warmer without the northerly wind.