
The first episode of the second series of Vigil was exciting but I’m not going to binge and consume mindfully. I watched some YouTube before retiring to my boudoir and, as a result, I ordered a replacement for my ailing Apple Watch. This should arrive in the fullness of time via ACS, my go-to carrier.

The alarm shook me into action so we were soon tramping across the field. The Swiss couple with the dog had left the day before so I felt I could relax today. It was only when I got closer, I discovered they’d come back.

We walked the Promontory and the rocks to discover the Swiss were getting up and it was only 05:30. Their dog was at large in the car park and the couple were drinking their coffee. Naturally, the dogs went over to investigate but we left them to organise their departure as they were catching the ferry from Castelli to Gythio.

We continued to Azzuro and said our farewells when we came back. One more trip to Azzuro and we were done with the first walk. The river came back yesterday but didn’t have the strength to be on the surface all of the way to the sea. It disappeared under the beach for the last part of its journey.

There was a small coppice of self-planted tamarisk trees in and near the river. Someone had the bright idea to harvest them and to plant them along the top of the beach to fill in the gaps between the mature trees. If someone can manage to water the saplings and lunatics don’t destroy or damage them, it will be great. Generally, it’s better to put much larger trees in as they’re hopefully less likely to be damaged.

I fed cats and put the smaller dogs in then came for yet another tour of the Promontory and rock with the girls. We were not out that long which suited me. With a longer first walk and some intensive ball chasing at the beginning of the second, they seemed satisfied.

I rode over Panorama to Anatoli for a loaf then returned to drop bread to Lucia and fiddle with Betty’s ears as is customary. The German family outside the kitchen were active and heading for a walk on the beach.

I fed the dogs, washed up, made tea and sat down in the sunshine. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep.

The ACS courier phoned to say he was nearby and would drop off two packages containing fans to replace those in the other inverter which is now safely packed up in the storeroom. I will change over the fans in the fullness of time.

I decided I should get my act together with my passwords so signed up with NordPass. I’ve since transferred the passwords from Google, LastPass and Apple KeyChain. I’ve switched off all but NordPass and am removing all of the duplicated and weak passwords to improve security. A job long overdue.

I ordered a new Apple Watch SE from iSystem, one of Greece’s official Apple distributors. They were good the last time I used them. My current watch has been going since 2018 and the battery and screen need changing. The battery runs down quite quickly and the screen has become increasingly difficult to see. The latest version of the SE doesn’t have all of the attributes of the Apple Watch 9 but is considerably cheaper and will do the job.

I received two lovely broccoli from Nina who went to Lidl yesterday where it’s 1.75€ and not around 4€/kg in Petrakis. I’m planning to have a Broccoli-fest this evening!

Quite a worthwhile day on the whole.

There was a reasonably gentle wind early with a clear, starry sky above. The pessimistic forecast said it would be colder than yesterday but the wind dropped, the sun shone so it was a lovely day with only a hint of coolness. Tomorrow is forecast to be a calm day with lots of sunshine.