The second episode of Hidden Assets was as watchable as the first with the relationship between the Belgian anti-terrorist squad and the British police investigative team deepening. There may also be something between the two individuals. The next choice was The World’s Most Epic Railway Construction Projects which has included so far, Tren Maya, Australia’s Cross River Project and the UK’s HS2. It’s a long video so I have more to view.

The moon has around 45% remaining for this cycle so is starting to fade. Fortunately, the sky was clear which made walking much easier. We’re going to have to come out earlier as I’m missing the interval between returning from the walk and going to Paleochora. With one thing and another, I was quite late going out as I was answering a customer enquiry and then discovered Bona ironing in the bedding store. There was also the matter of hanging up the laundry I left in a soggy heap in a large bowl all night.

I only stopped at Anatoli after surmounting Panorama and touring the highlights of Paleochora. I was immediately involved in things once back so the dogs had to wait to get fed. I discovered the Spaniards hadn’t actually left even though they’d spent a night at their new mountain abode. I wonder if they’re having second thoughts. They seeemd pleased to be back and the cats were pleased to see them. I told them they still needed to think about moving on as the character of the camping would be changing during April.

The couple with the large, black dog paid and left to discover the rest of the island and I managed to get Toni to fix the door lock on Ξ3 to give me one more available simple cabin for the weekend. I already have two bookings for the weekend and it’s only Tuesday.

I fed the dogs and made tea. It wasn’t long before I discovered the Exchange server at Inter Sport had restarted itself after updates but the various services hadn’t. It took longer to get things going as Sue called as I was about to start. She wants me to do some other little jobs. The server was eventually back online as I started the services manually in the end.

Otherwise, I’ve done useful things with spreadsheets and the end of month accounts. I snoozed in the sun around midday and took a customer around the camping. He plans to return tomorrow until the weekend. He’s a Pole who came last summer. The other booking is a regular customer, I think from the US base at Souda.

The big Mercedes left although their bank transfer has yet to arrive. The mother lives in Paleochora so I have nothing to fear. The camping is getting quite empty but Jessica will be here at the weekend and both of her favourite spots are available. I replied to a Czech couple who will arrive next week and wanted to reserve the same location as they had last time. As if I can remember where they stayed last time or even their happy, smiling faces. I made no promises.

I fiddled about with my bits and pieces spreadsheet for the odd one or two night customers who stay in a tent or one of the cabins. Most have been before and it’s a bit of a fag to have to create a whole sheet just for one or two nights. This sheet simply records the arrival and departure date, the accommodation type and the amount charged and paid. I’ll create sheets for customers who stay longer and have extras like electricity and the washing machine. I would really like to spend some time to construct a database but not right now.

Lucia tells me she’s arrived safely, if not tardily in Italy.

Today was another warm one with a high of 27.2ºC – the hottest so far this year but certainly not the hottest for April which was 33.4ºC in 2018. The hottest 31/3, 1/4 and 2/4 I have recorded. It looks as though it’ll continue warm for a while.