
I watched the first part of a Lewis episode where Hathaway is on holiday leaving Lewis on his own. Only a couple of victims so far so I’ll probably watch the second part this evening. Predictably, I fell asleep watching YouTube.

The wind blew through the night so there was a slight reluctance on everyone’s part to get going and get out. It became progressively windy as time went on so we were properly awake as we walked into the wind to Azzuro right at the start.

Skinny doesn’t like the wind much so declined to join the girls on the second walk. I had a little relaxation before going out as I have a stiff tendon from yesterday’s activity. We still managed yet another crossing of the rocks but it was in daylight. We met our man who was in his car but came to say hello to the dogs and to chat to me. He’s camping in a sheltered position and says he’s not had any more doggy visitors recently.

I rapidly came to the conclusion that it was too windy to do anything involving a bike so sat and contemplated a while until the electricity went off at 09:00. There were some scheduled works but only for a couple of hours. I’ve noted the batteries in the UPS in the office and laundry room require replacement so I’ll order some.

I put a washing machine on for Jessica who took her pussy to the vet to get it vaccinated and chipped for the trip to Germany whenever they leave. Apparently, they’re waiting for a place at a clinic for Darien as he has an eating disorder and has lost a lot of weight.

Jessica’s pussy. A lot healthier than the previous one which expired.

I have another booking for the group coming to celebrate a friend’s birthday at the weekend. I shall run out of two-person accommodation soon unless others leave and I can get Bona to clean them.

There were calls from people wishing to book for summer holidays. The first two have iPhones as I discovered when I texted them. Not that a free text matters when I have 2,000 SMS allowance each month that rollover to the next! I asked one of the women to let me know how long it takes to get a call back and to make a booking. I think I already know the answer as I’ve had two calls from people waiting for responses. In less than a month, Marisa should be here to put everything in order.

I chatted to Crystal for the first time in ages. She’s applied for a new job in the community and is also looking at completing her degree. Our conversation was interrupted by a number of enquiries.

I rode to Paleochora and was pleased to see three brown loaves on the shelf at Anatoli. It was a different sales technician as I’m usually there in the morning.

From being super-windy this morning the wind dropped so I had an easy ride to and from Paleochora with a gently following wind on the return journey. The wind has read the forecast so is getting up again. I went in a the right moment.

I’d planned to do beans for this evening but forgot to soak any or indeed put them on so it will be Plan B. Fortunately, there is a Plan B, all to do with leeks, potatoes, carrots and salad.

The reasonably high temperature was once the wind stopped blowing but it was a generally nice day. The forecast warns of the possibility of rain early Saturday morning. We need the rain but it will make it humid and reduce the temperature.