
The second part of Lewis where Hathaway is released from his holiday task of painting amidst annoying children in Croatia to uncover a crystal meth factory. This helped Lewis to put together the jigsaw of drug running into UK using repatriated cadavers to disguise the drugs. I watched some useful stuff on YouTube and….

Maya decided we should all wake up around midnight by barking at some mystery event in the field. I encouraged her to shut the-fcuk-up but finally resorted to a personal intervention of a more directly persuasive nature. Silence reigned until morning.

The sea was quite angry about something, probably the wind pushing it around. So a coat was required on the early walk. Today, the wind was from the southwest so was against us as we returned from Azzuro. We seem to be getting good at not going into the gardens to steal things. Long may it continue.

Skinny deserted the girls who came out just as the truck came to not empty the glass recycling container. It was bursting the last time it was emptied, not long ago, but now it wasn’t worth the effort so they left it.

The girls raced around after the ball and we crossed the rocks yet one more time. The sea was still stressy so some of the rock pools which contained salt have been refilled as has the lagoon which they tested for quality. A little more running around and it was back to base for a rest for all of us.

Mine was short-lived as Michael was leaving as was Ella. I saw them off then chatted to Patrick for a while. There was a wash to put in so I did that and then drank some tea before falling asleep in the sun. The wash was returned somewhat belatedly. An Austrian couple with a VW arrived and took Ella’s spot. They are now the only non-Germans here.

Bona came to clean stuff, consume Hell and a couple of packs of fags to keep her going. I saw Noël riding around the camping with his shades looking like Easy Rider.

I didn’t really do a lot other than chat with a guy called Tomas who plans to bring himself and his tent to stay for a few days from Saturday. I have several other bookings for Friday-Sunday, all in the small cabins, so I’m hoping to have Bona turn around Ξ1 once Patrick leaves tomorrow. There don’t appear to be any other accommodation bookings for the weekend.

I didn’t go out on my bike today but concentrated on more static exercises as a substitute. I rather missed the cycling slot due to all the departures.

The day has been warm and sunny with some cloudy times in the morning. The afternoon became quite warm and pleasant but the sunblocker is still down not because of the wind but the sun was not strong enough to warrant putting it up again as there’s more wind on the way.

The forecast still talks of rain tomorrow night around 22:00 which could be significant. Not ideal for the birthday group but I’m sure they’ll survive.

Generally warm and sunny after a rather windy and cloudy start. The sea is in a stress! Rain forecast for Friday night around 22:00