
The day started almost silently as far as the wind was concerned, only the sound of the sea could be heard. It was still quite agitated as we walked to Azzuro with the first morning moon of the present cycle. The moon didn’t hang around very long. The sea was occasionally washing over the causeway so care was needed when crossing the rocks. We completed the first walk then returned to the camping to deposit the boys, take the washing out of the machine and feed the cats.

The girls had a good walk once we’d deposited the glass for recycling. We lost and found the balls but seemed of have a good time doing it and returned with two.

I rode to Anatoli and momentarily considered a visit to Petrakis but decided against it. There was a brief pause before feeding the dogs and making some tea. There were more sheets to remove from the line before my washing could go up and I wanted to make sure the punters were vacating the two cabins so that bona could clean them. As an incentive, I planted a can of Hell and some weeds in the fridge then told her. The next thing I knew, she was there cleaning them. I knew she wanted to get away but the cabins were needed.

I had calls from yet another couple of disgruntled customers who said they’d left messages on the main camping website but were still awaiting confirmation or any contact at all. I composed another text which I sent to Maria’s personal mobile then decided to send a brief note to Marisa to keep her in the loop. Marisa later replied to say that she’d forwarded my message to Georgia who will at least be informed and may even take some action. Marisa’s not a great fan of Maria as she’s so disorganised and messy.

The group are still in the camping and have had lots of fun on the beach and in the sea during the afternoon. There’s still some cash outstanding but I’ll collect that shortly.

There were two arrivals. A Swiss couple who were here a year or so ago as well as a Swedish man in a large motorhome with just his adopted Greek dog. His son married a Greek and lives near Chania where he’s be staying whilst helping with the garden. He’s come to Grammeno for a rest after the gardening. He says his wife was happy to remain at home. The Swiss are in bay 3 and Sven Svensson (not very imaginative) is next to Jessica parallel with the trees. We talked a little once his van was in as he helps with a charity that rehomes abandoned animals from Greece.

As forecast, the day has been still and mostly sunny. But now, there’s a cool breeze coming from the east so I turned off the ceiling van and put back some layers.

Manolis, the birthday boy, has just called to say they will stay in M7 tonight as there are only four staying so the rest of the accommodation can be cleaned. No need to wander round for money just to collect the bedding. The rest can wait until tomorrow.

Only Jamie and his dad to come and hopefully no more arrivals. Maybe an early night…

A chilly evening on Saturday as I put the heating on! The door was kept closed during the night too. Today was warm and sunny with no wind although there’s a chill breeze from the east. Tomorrow and Tuesday are forecast to be windy from the east but a lot warmer. Hard to believe right now.