
Patrick joined us on the early and only walk which went from 05:15 for the next three hours. The cats thought they would never be fed as their normal time is around seven. Even the Girls were not rushing to go out with the ball. Patrick had been saying he’d like to come out in the morning but hadn’t actually managed to find us. Like the Paris café, waiting in the car park reaps similar results. As a consequence, we walked nearly 10km as we decided on an extra trip to Azzuro and once more around the Promontory.

Like Patrick, I had things to do as he was flying back to Berlin. My task involved cycling to Paleochora for some stuff for the DD’s and back before it became too windy. The wind only got stronger later.

I had a little rest after my Paleochora visit and might even have fallen asleep momentarily. Strangely, there was not too much trouble from the dogs either. They eventually were fed around ten. I got on with the DDs and then went off to collect money from the birthday group who’d taken M7 for their final night. The camping has done well out of them this weekend.

I met Jamie’s father on the way to the kitchen and even Jamie quite early for him. They are only here for a week so cannot afford to loaf in bed all the time.

I went back to the dogs to collect a Hell for Bona who was dashing away in the ironing room. I’d already collected up the room keys and said she needn’t clean the rooms until Wednesday as tomorrow she has to go to Iraklion to sort out their children’s papers at the Albanian embassy.

I exchanged messages with Marisa as I had another desperate customer trying to contact Maria. I routed the request via Maria’s personal mobile in the hope of some more immediate action. Marisa promises quiet efficacy once she arrives in less than a month.

I decided it was time to empty my composting loo and fix the fan which ventilates the poo chamber. I discovered it was fixed down too tightly forcing the blades of the fan against the gasket which seals the assembly. I now have a nice, clean, fresh, well-ventilated loo!

I took the opportunity to rotate the other compost and to dispose of the liquid to Janne and Erica’s plants which might do with some encouragement. I shall need to find a home for some more of my compost before too long.

I indulged in a second cup of tea amongst other things before being called away to check in a new customer who I knew from a previous visit. It took him to the Winter Room where Jamie was in his office but then left to take his father to Paleochora for a meal. The dogs told me when they came to collect the bikes.

The dogs had a late supper as I was chatting to Thomas, the new arrival for some while. He went off to get some tomatoes from the supermarket so I hope they were still open or his walk would have been in vain.

Thomas is from Augsburg where he left his wife at home. He’s a regular visitor to Crete and has deliberately positioned himself at Grammeno where there are no nearby restaurants as he seems determined to rid himself of some kilos. This lead us to a discussion about nutrition which I hope he found interesting.

The dogs had to wait a little longer as the DDs required processing before they could be fed. All animals are now fed and quiet. I’m still waiting for mine.

Patrick has decided to extend his stay until Friday having already extended it from Friday to Monday. He doesn’t need much persuasion to stay longer at Grammeno. Nothing to do with the early walk I assure you.

Toni and Manos have been busy treating the wooden buildings and decking. Toni was involved in the EKO loos as the floors have fallen victim to neglect, traffic and moisture.

We now have two tent campers and a few motorhomes of which one is from Sweden, the other Switzerland with the remainder German.

The day became windy and was mostly cloudy and overcast but not cold.

Mostly windy and overcast but warm. The wind should calm during the night but there may be more tomorrow. Warmer than yesterday