Quieter today

We were out on the Promontory at the usual time, possibly a little earlier since there were fewer dogs to round up. A slight change in the morning routine but nothing drastic. I let all but Obi and Luis off once we arrived at the end as I’d seen a car parked in the car park. As it turned out, we saw no one, not even Kostas. It was a cooler morning thanks to the easterly wind. The sea was not rough but we knew it was there. From the Small Beach Boris swam for his ball and Luis got a dunking. He has not been going into the sea so I decided to make some choices  on his behalf. Even though there were only two fewer dogs, it certainly made a difference in handling as well as the relationship between the dogs. New alliances were created: Oskar playing with Charlie more and Princess and Fido chasing each other about.

Putting them to bed presented no problems despite Charlie, Princes and Pea having new accommodation. Seeding their houses with nice dog biscuits encourages them in. Nothing like a bit of bribery to get the desired results. The plastic boxes are now back in the storeroom on top Dave’s house.

It’s been a generally quiet day within the compound as I have been getting on with a proposal for Inter Sport. They are changing their EPOS (Electronic Point Of Sale) system and Richard, the present provider is retiring later in the year. They plan to move to the same system used by other members of their buying group. I contacted Mike Fuller about upgrading the Lewes server as it is past its prime and he happened to mention the planned changes. There may be quite a bit of work for me in this upgrade as they also plan to open another store in Haywards Heath. Apparently this store is quite behind with everything relying on pieces of paper and an old fashioned till. With the number of lines they sell, a modern EPOS system is vital to keep stock under control. Adding another branch will mean they will need to get things together if they are to get the return they expect. To think I first got involved when they were in the shop across the road. I suggested to Mike that the bankrupt Woolworth unit would make a good store and I remember freezing in the Seaford store setting up the equipment before that opened. I changed the server when I was in UK in 2014 so that is now three years old.

There has been some activity on the camping today as more people have arrived. After all, it is 20 July so the place needs to fill up. In one month from now, the peak season will have passed and we’ll be coasting towards the autumn and things winding down. Not a sad time for me as it means I get the camping back and look forward to the inevitable influx of winter Albanians.

Ursula has been busy with her new charges as I’m sure a certain amount of settling-in has been going on. Heidi and Millie will start to find their feet so the calm period will not last for long. Filling only nine bowls with food last night seemed much quicker than eleven. Dave has his special diet after all the others are tucked up for the night. Oskar has been a little unsettled today but then he was quite close to Heidi and it’s the first time they have been apart since birth. It dawned on me this morning that there are now no longer any pairs of dogs anymore. Oskar and Heidi look almost like twins and Charlie and Millie share very similar markings. I noted today that others are stepping up to take the places of the two noisy ones as I’ve heard from Oskar in particular as well as Charlie and Minnie, who are usually fairly quiet and retiring. Oskar makes noise mostly as he is very fearful. Now he will have so learn to sort himself out without Heidi.

Only Minnie, Pea and Charlie are left in the SDC at this moment since all the Brown Dogs plus Oskar and Princess are in the main compound.

If you want to see how the others got on today here is a link to Ursula’s blog.




One response to “Quieter today”

  1. Good that you are going to be busy doing your IT work… sounds complicated…Money spinner?
    As for the twins, T thinks Millie and Heidi are similar. He’s not sure which we are keeping..: he says he wants them. both!!!!

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