Skinny Goes AWOL

Fido tried to get us up at 04:30 again but I insisted he wait until five. We were out at around five-twenty in the end. The night had not been that calm as there was another dog roaming around not far from the fence which was causing Sasha to fidget. Isabella had decided to join us inside for a change leaving only Obi and Sasha outside.

In my disorganisation, I’d forgotten to push the container with the biscuits into my pocket so I came up short at each stopping point. Just as we reached the Big Beach at the end of the first circuit, some excitement announced the arrival of Iera who was as playful as ever. The girls enjoyed their favourite game of chasing each other and then we set off for Plakaki.

Walking out to Plakaki was a breeze; north-westerly for some of the time and northerly for the remainder. It seemed very dark this morning even though we were out at about the usual time. Iera stayed with us over the rocks and back to Alonaki beach but disappeared when I went back to the van with all the dogs. Even though I came straight out with Isabella and Sasha, Iera was no where to be seen. Our second walk started a little later as both Skinny and Obi were absent. I wandered through the camping looking for both to no avail. I expected to find both during the second walk. Losing one dog is bad enough but two indicates negligence rather than merely bad luck.

I went off to Paleochora for my daily ride and to pick up some bread. I went in search of Skinny but I’d already reacquired Obi who was down at the bar which seems to be the magnetic attraction for all animals.

My ride up the mountain was heavily assisted with power from the batteries as I was keen to get back for a swim as I was hot and sweaty. Sitting on the beach after my swim, Iera’s owner appeared. It transpired he’d been looking for her for three days and had not received the message to tell him I had her on Saturday night. Even though the phone number was correct as we called each other.

Apparently, Iera is twelve years old and she’s always liked to go walkabout. He was obviously concerned about her and said she’d not had much food as she’d been missing since Saturday which was when we found her on The Promontory. I agreed to call him if she turns up in the morning and he said he’d come around six to see if she was with me.

I eventually got back to the dogs which I fed a while later to give Skinny a chance to materialise. I did a couple more tours of the camping asking everyone to look out for him. Bona sent her boys to look and we had a long discussion about where he might be.

I had some IT tasks to complete for EG as well as a call from Caroline at LBS who was alone as Simon is away in Spain with Jean. There appears to be some difficulty with her computer connecting to the file server.

I did a little more wandering around the camping doing things as well as looking for Skinny although the boys seem to have had the area covered. I received a call from Maria who I found petting Skinny at the bar. He’d just rocked up so I was told. Just in the nick of time as I was soon to serve up dinner for the masses. I took him back to the others and thanked Bona’s boys plus one, for helping. They insisted on coming to see all of the dogs so I left them to it and got on with serving up the grub. They asked to take Sasha for a walk but I suggested later would be better so I could feed her first.

Skinny has now resumed his favourite location on the dashboard so is unlikely to be seen or heard until tomorrow morning. Sasha has had a walk with Noisy and the others so is now relaxing after her demanding day and a vat of food.

The day started calm and warm however the wind got up and became quite strong later. The forecast is for very strong winds tomorrow and Wednesday. Already the jokes about putting plenty of stones in my pockets have started…

Quite a warm day until the wind started to get up. Now it’s quite cold where I’m sitting outside with the northerly wind passing me by.


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