Ginger Pussy is Back

Sasha woke me around two wanting to go out. I was happy to stand and freeze whilst she peed but she was very quick! She kept quiet until the alarm went then I let her, Isabella and Skinny go outside. Calmer for me inside without the three of them.

The moon was much higher in the sky as it’s the second day of seeing it in the morning. Yesterday, it was almost on the horizon when we came out. With a clear sky, it was possible to see quite well however it quickly clouded over.

I got back to the camping with the same number of dogs with which I left then came out with Sasha and Isabella with Luis tagging on. He’s worked out that if he lingers by the gate rather than go back into the van, he gets another walk. He did quite well although I felt he’d had enough when he got back.

I fed the cats then went into Paleochora for bread and groceries as it’s been a few days since I went shopping. I met a nice German woman in the bakers who watches me go by on my bike each day. She lives in one of the apartments facing east out to sea.

As I was leaving Petrakis, having wished Yiannis well for his skiing trip next week, I crossed behind one of their vehicles which had stopped dead at the junction with a pool of oil oozing from under the engine. There was no shortage of people available to push it to the side of the road so I contented myself with watching the proceedings. Sounds expensive unless it’s something like a split oil filter.

I rode back in the sunshine looking out over the sea. All was fine until I encountered a large 4×4 planted in the middle of the cycle track making it impossible to pass without reverting to the road. Some people have no sense!

I fed the dogs then got on with the DD’s but forgot to add a cup of rice which made it very sloppy. Nevertheless, the dogs seemed to have liked it.

I finally sat down to tea and Internet for a while as at this point it was reasonably sunny. I went off later to move the big rubbish container away from the gate so that it didn’t get filled up again from across the road. I wandered the camping chatting to Frank II and Anke.

Georgia is coming to stay the night with a friend so I sorted out the money for her. Bona called to ask me to leave the keys to T3 so that she could get it ready for the Monday evening arrivals as well as clean the loos and kitchen.

I spent quite a long time sorting through some of my photos of which I have thousands as I’m being reminded my storage space is filling up. I have culled many which have no value and reduced many of the duplicated I took just in case.

It was quite windy by now, Bona was exhausted so went home leaving me to lock up as she didn’t have her keys. Georgia and friend have yet to arrive but I sent a message that the keys to T1 are in the door.

Clear early but cloudy with sunny intervals later. Warmer but now raining for a while. But then it is only February!


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