Petra sorted me out with some Gigantes and chips! I exchanged this for the news that it might rain and be stormy on Tuesday. I chatted briefly with Anna then went back to eat as I was feeling quite hungry.

I watched BBT and then some YouTube shorts as it was getting late when I started eating. For no particular reason other than the WiFi problem and waiting for everything to restart and settling a customer as Toni had a rendezvous-vous with the poo tank. On the subject of which, I expect we’re exporting our poo to the new drainage system and central treatment facility rather than keep it in a huge tank.

I was up a couple of times during the night but cannot remember why although I suspect it was something to do with Skinny or maybe Sasha as she often needs to pee.

The morning was still and wonderfully moonlit as the moon was overhead as we came out onto the beach track. No cars in the car park and a dwindling number of vans along the track. No FreeLoaders, maggots or small tents on the Promontory just the occasional bark from the girls and a starlit sky above. It was really rather pleasant.

We managed two trips to Azzuro without losing Maya who resumed her station next to me. Perhaps her trip yesterday was just to remind her of how things were before. Luis had no collar as I forgot to put it on him as it was charging. He seems to keep with us after a fashion anyway. He even shut up when asked not to bark!

Some madness with a couple of balls and the thrower and three girls again today. We were back at the factory by 07:20 so I used the time to exercise my brain, meditate and even, perhaps, fall asleep. This was all before trotting off to Paleochora via Panorama with a swimming stop at Alonáki. Today, the sea was lumpy so not such enjoyable bathing weather. I loafed on the beach a few minutes before riding back.

The upper part of the camping still retains a few lingering and occupied tents but I should imagine they would have left today due to the impending threat of the possibility of rain tomorrow. I shall look around when I go for food shortly.

I had one support call from Simon regarding the Stephen computer saga. The same story concerning the mouse and keyboard. I connected and could see that the computer was a little laggy. This was mostly due to a lack of resources because of loads of open emails and Web pages mostly. Added to that, a scheduled virus scan and the fact the computer hadn’t been shut down in a while. I made my report.

I did other useful things including falling asleep. Later, I picked up poo!

The day started off sunny enough then clouded over to become quite grey at one point. Wind is also a significant feature. Meanwhile, the west of Europe, including UK, are basking under a heat dome which stands to break all temperature records for September. I can’t say I’m sorry Greece and Crete are not included as the temperature is in the low thirties which is just perfect for me.

We are still expecting unsettled weather tomorrow morning from around 04:00 which is very inconvenient. It’s not rained since 18 June so it’s rather out of practice. I will monitor the situation and may need to rush around to bring stuff under cover if necessary. The amount of rain forecast isn’t huge so it could all end up as nothing.

The sisters have been fooling around together on the decking but have now decided they’ve had enough and are hoping for their supper.

Warmer than yesterday but quite windy and grey at times. A little rain is forecast for tomorrow from 04:00 onwards.


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