
It was pasta and sauce as Eva apologetically explained but that’s not come around for a long time anyway. I joined Erica and Janne on their decking and we ate and chatted.

Our soirée culminated with a visit from Maria who just breezed in and made herself at home. She’d been threatening to come to see Janne and Erica one evening but left it until the last. It was coming up to ten by the time we went our separate ways.

I released the dogs for a few moments then I washed up my container. Being the perfect invitee for a change, I brought my own food, utensils and bread so there was no preparation or clearing up to do on my account. I also went home at ten! Nearly past my bedtime anyway.

The morning was still but cool. Not cool enough to put off the mosquitoes that are benefitting from the rain in September so are now flourishing. We completed our two visits to Azzuro however I lost track of Obi at one point so was down to only four dogs. Easier to cope with but I like to know where they all are. Obi reappeared after a little coaching.

Oskar came out with the girls but the other three boys communed with Radio Paradise for forty-five minutes. We had plenty of balls and actually came back with the same number. The two I had never left my pocket as Isabella was an efficient guardian of the balls.

I hung around with a cup of tea to nurture my brain then rode over Panorama to Anatoli for more bread as we ate most of yesterday’s the night before. The boys had the left-overs.

I’d had a call from Danga about compiling some documents for her and they arrived today. I’d just sorted them out and she called again to say some of them were incorrect. She has a meeting this afternoon hence the panic.

Erica and Janne were packing up their stuff and working through their checklist. They finally left around four, will spend the night in Chania to catch their flight to Stockholm which leaves at 06:15. I should be on my way back from the first dog walk about then.

The sun has shone all day and it has been quite warm. I even moved my chair out of the sun at one point it was so warm. I notice that sunrise is now over Paleochora and no longer behind the mountains. We will benefit from seeing the sun rise and set over the sea for a few months at least.

Warmer than yesterday by a whole 0.1ºC! Tomorrow is forecast to be about the same.


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