
The Friday Night Viewing was eclectic, starting with Spooks and various plots to overturn governments. I wonder if the plot is incidental. A quick visit to Slade Prison to find Fletcher in need of peace and quiet and then a series of interesting videos about electrical installations. It pays to keep up..

The morning dawned a little earlier but was still and mild albeit quite dark as there was little light reflection. We conducted both walks without any company and were back in time for me to ride to Paleochora and visit Petrakis before the Saturday rush. Indeed, Saturday morning is a good time to shop. I don’t remember what I bought other than carrots for the DDs on Monday, ginger, a particularly good piece, and some rice which I always buy as so much is used.

I delivered bread to Lucia and chatted to her whilst petting Betty. Lucia has been on her own since the Wrights went walkabout but is now joined by a single lady travelling separately with a male friend. They arrived as I was tiding the awning area and putting up the east side. The man is in bay 4 and the woman next to the restaurant kitchen.. They said they didn’t need to be together and the lady has satellite.

I kept busy tiding up some of the awning mess and have now erected the new side piece but in the old location. It’s potentially windy and wet tomorrow so I felt it was better to get it up and worry about details later. It was not easy although I’ve learned a lot which will come in useful in due course. I suspect it’s much easier to stretch the film using the heater which can be bought separately. The alternative is to do the job when it’s 40ºC but then I wouldn’t have the energy. There are now three sides which will improve comfort.

The day ended later as jobs dragged on due to the arrival of the two singles who are together. Similar to the Swiss who were here the other day.

I noticed the temperature inside the van was 15ºC when we came in but has risen to 20ºC quite quickly. Just a matter of closing the door with a few dogs inside.

Tomorrow is forecast to be colder(er), wet and windy. It seems any wetness has conveniently moved to Sunday night. It’s going to be windy tomorrow and Monday which is why I got the carrots just in case it’s too windy to ride to Paleochora on Monday.