Clearing my garden

Clearing my ‘garden’

I decided this morning that I would have a go at clearing a path from the gate which leads from the SDC into the field where there are currently sheep. Once the kantina opens, the sheep will be gone, and the fence onto the beach will be open. This will then give me the possibility to take the dogs through the back way when they go for walks. No more walking through the camping at least for the summer months anyway.
There is a lot of very prickly stuff which requires removal. There are also a lot of herbs growing too. The herbs I can live with but the prickly stuff has to go. My new long-handled pruning sheers have been invaluable so I have managed to get much of the prickly stuff out of the way. The ‘path’ goes from the gate to the location where I would like to mount the weather station. The current location for the weather station, attached to the telegraph pole, was temporary back in June 2014. But three years is quite a short time for any ‘temporary’ activity in Greece. If I can get it shifted before June 2017, that’s quite good going. I will do some more clearing tomorrow morning when it’s cooler.
I have a date for when the vets are next due to come to PAWS in Paleochora. They should be coming next week, 26/27 April. I will take Princess and probably Pea as well. Just so he can get checked out. She will be having the neutering operation. DAve also needs to visit the vet in Chania for his regular checkup and blood panel.
Work resumed on the new Wooden Tent (AKA Small Cabin) as I could hear banging and cutting as I was hacking through the plants the other side of the fence.
The camping is looking quite presentable as Stavros has been hard at work raking and cutting all the grass and weeds. The area behind me has not been touched yet as Lau’s van is there and there are quite a lot of stones thrown up by the strimmer. He doesn’t want the glass on his van broken. Lau will be leaving in a few weeks and I don’t see anyone wishing to use any of that area for quite a while yet. The car parking space is looking very nice with all the wild flowers which are growing there.
I planted an Aloe Vera on Janne and Erica’s side of the fence earlier to see how it does in the shade of the tree. I also planted some of the herbs which were dug up along with the prickly stuff. They seem to like sandy, poor soil of which I have plenty. That said, there are areas in the compound where the soil is soft and fertile. I suspect some topsoil was put in where the olive trees were planted. I notice there is a lot of blossom on the olive trees so I might get a good crop of olives at the end of this year.
The 13 litres of olive oil, bought from the oil factory during the winter, has diminished quite quickly. In UK a litre of olive oil would last forever, here it lasts a couple of weeks. That healthy Mediterranean Diet you know.
I’ve put off going for a shower as there is plenty of sunshine. I expect the water will be cold later so I’m off to get one now. It’s not warm enough to be showering in my compound yet. The mains water needs to be warmer and the sun stronger.