Quite an active Sunday

I understand the surprise Eleanor un-birthday party went well.

No wind this morning but still a bit of a nip in the air following yesterday’s northerly wind. I ran in a light fleece and a T-shirt. I completed the World Day challenge which involved any workout of 30 minutes or more. Considering I run for fifty minutes most days, thirty is not too much of a challenge. I’m sure Ursula achieved the challenge without even getting out of bed!

The sun was shining so the day soon warmed up. I’d planned to cycle to Paleochora but got involved in a number of outstanding jobs instead. I raked the main compound as well as the SDC. Boris’ needs doing as well. I potted some geranium off-cuts resulting from the battering of the previous day’s wind. And I had a bit of a weed and a tidy-up.

The electricity was off from 05:25 until 10:25, I should imagine to repair the tower destroyed by the fire a couple of weeks back. The power was off for a similar amount of time last Sunday.

After breakfast, I got on with a couple of computer jobs as the morning disappeared.

A German couple with a little girl and another imminently on the way arrived to stay at the camping. I showed them around and they settled themselves in under the junipers in the area which I occupied for my first six months.

Without my cycle ride, I needed to make up in another way so decided to dust off my mask and snorkel and disappear into the sea. It was quite warm with a number of people on the beach enjoying the sunshine. The winter storms have eroded all the sand surrounding the rocks in front of the camping so it’s necessary to go to the east for an easier, sandy access to the sea. I messed around for about twenty minutes which was enough time to earn me some more KJs from my daily goal. Swimming, as Ursula will attest, is a very efficient way to eat up the Exercise and Move Rings.

Maria called to say that a couple of Greek girls would be coming on the bus and that Mikhalis had erected a larger tent for them by the beach.

I had not been shopping today so conjured up something to eat involving peeled wheat and fava beans. I got a load of stuff I like, chucked it into a saucepan, added some herbs and spices so we’ll see what it’s like in a little while.

The evening walk was pleasant without the cold, northerly wind from yesterday. We came back as it was getting dark so the dogs were quickly fed and put to bed. I’m outside, under the awning writing this but will migrate inside as it’s still too chilly to be sitting out in shorts.





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